Female! Ghostface x Shy! Reader [Scream]

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(This is the original one shot of my last book but I wanted to repost it because I honestly really like this one shot. Anyway I hope you enjoy :) )

(Y/N)'s POV

I listened the people who were talking about the party that was happening this weekend. I wasn't invited but I didn't care I wasn't really the party type. I liked to read and play video games and just generally to be left alone.

???: "Yo the party this weekend is going to be so awesome! I'm gonna bring the best alcohol and we are going to get fucked up!!"

I rolled my eyes and continued to read my book. I was shy but I wasn't a dick, I didn't care they were going to be underage drinking, they make their own decisions and they will have to deal with the consequences.

I heard footsteps coming towards me so I looked up from my book and saw my best friend walking towards me. His name was Jason and he was pretty much the opposite of me. He was very outgoing and he loved to party.

Jason: "Yo (Y/N), are you going to come to this weekends party?"

(Y/N): "No, you should know I don't go to party's. I was just going to watch some horror movies because my family isn't at my house for 2 weeks."

Jason: "Come on man, your parents are not going to be home! You should come to a party for once!"

(Y/N): "No, I have no interest in going but you have fun."

Jason: "Oh you know I will!" He then laughed and he walked towards his other friends.

The bell wrung and I put my book in my backpack and I put on my backpack. I left my classroom and began to head towards the exit that lead to the student parking. I was looking at my phone not paying attention when I bumped into someone. I immediately looked up and I began to apologize when I saw it was my crush, Kate. I probably had a light blush was on face because she was really cute. She was also a very nice person who was always friendly to me and actually we were partners for a couple of projects and she was nothing but nice to me. The problem is that she is super popular and again I like to be left alone so the complete opposite of her. I kinda accepted that I would never have a shot with her but I still had a crush on her.

(Y/N): "I'm so sorry Kate, I wasn't looking where I was going!"

Kate: "it's ok (Y/N), No need to apologize."

I began to walk away when she grabbed my arm and I immediately became a blushing mess.

Kate: "Wait I want to ask you something."

(Y/N); "S-s-sure what do you want to ask m-me."

Kate: "Are you gonna be at this weekends party?"

(Y/N): "N-no...I'm just gonna stay home and watch some horror movies."

She heard this and seem to get sad.

Kate: "Well that sucks I was hoping you would come."

She was hoping I would come? Why would she ever want that?

(Y/N): "I'm sorry but party's are just not my thing."

Kate: "Don't worry about it. Have fun with your movies! Bye-Bye!"

I waved bye to her and I left the school and went over to my truck. It wasn't anything special it's just a pretty standard truck. I entered it and threw my backpack into the passenger seat. I started my truck up and I left the parking lot and headed towards my house.

??? POV (A Male)

I watch as the stupid fuck leave the school in his truck. I can't wait to kill that asshole. I know he has a crush on Kate and I'm gonna show him that she is mine! I'm gonna prove to her that I am the best man for her!

Various Female/Male x Male Reader One Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora