D.Va x Small-Streamer! Reader (Part 1) [Overwatch]

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(You are not a member of Overwatch in this story, but you are aware of Overwatch's existence)

(Also you can look however you want to)


(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up and I looked at my phone...it was 2:30 PM...yea that's a normal time for me to get up. I hate the morning and love the night so I end up always staying late in the night to do my thing, my thing which usually means I am streaming.

I am not a huge streamer at all. I have only like 2,000 followers on "Twitch" and only about 30,000 subscribers on "YouTube" but it was my dream since I was a little kid to be some kind of streamer.

I yawned as I got out of my bed and I went over to my closet. I got out a fresh pair of clothes. It was pretty simple outfit, I just got a pair of black basketball shorts, and a t-shirt that didn't really matter what it looks like because I instantly cover it up with a hoodie. I put the hood of my hoodie on my head and I started to head downstairs. I went into the kitchen of my house and I saw that my mom was downstairs...yes I do live with my mom still because I don't nearly make enough income to have my own place but my mom is supportive of me and my dream so she is ok with me staying with her. I'm still only 18, so I'm barely an adult so it's not like I'm 40 still living with my parents.

(Y/N): "Hi mom."

Mom: "Hello sweetie! I would say good morning but it's not morning anymore." She said obviously teasing me because I wake up really late in the day.

(Y/N): "Well good afternoon then." I said teasing back. We both laugh at this.

Mom: "Do you want me to make you breakfa- I mean Lunch?"

(Y/N): "Nah I am good. I'll just eat a Pop-Tart." I said while going to the pantry and grabbing a s'more Pop-Tart (the best Pop-Tart flavor btw)

I take my "lunch" and I head to the living room and I put on YouTube to watch some content on the living room TV

After I was done eating my Pop-Tart, I turned off the TV and I went back up to my room and turned on my PC. I booted up the game I mainly play was "Rainbow Six Siege". I heard my phone go off so I picked it up and I saw a text message from my friend, Tom.

Liam: "Get on Rainbow Six Siege jackass"

I gave a small chuckle at this and I texted back

(Y/N): "I am already getting on, dumbass!"

Liam: "Then invite me you fucking troglodyte!"

(Y/N): "Get on discord in a call with me then I'll invite you, idiot"

He then didn't respond to this as I got onto discord and got into a call with Tom.

Liam: "What's up fuckface! Invite me now!"

(Y/N): "Calm down asshat, I'm inviting you." As I invited him to the game.

Liam: "Are we going to play unranked?"

(Y/N): "Yes, like we always do to warm up." As I queued up for a unranked game.


It was now about 6:00 PM and it was time for me to start steaming and Liam was also going to stream. I turned on my face-cam and I started my stream and I greeted the few people who instantly come to my stream while Tom did...well what Tom usually does.

Liam: "YO WHAT UP FUCKERS!" He screamed at his chat.

(Y/N): "Bro, do you need to scream that everytime you start your stream?"

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