Female! Jason-Voorhees x Childhood-Friend! Reader (Part 2) [Friday The 13th]

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(Sorry this is late. Still dealing with writers block and I'm also now sick. This wasn't the one-shot I was planning on making but I hope you still enjoy this part :D)


(You can look however you want to)


(Y/N)'s POV

Dear god my head hurts. I was lapping in and out of consciousness but I noticed I was over someone's shoulder and I was being taken somewhere. I wanted to fight back but I was so weak at this point I could not fight it.

I eventually felt myself being placed onto a soft surface as I finally when I couldn't fight it anymore and I fully blacked out.

Nora's POV

I just kept running towards the entrance of the camp when I saw police cars at the entrance! I started to wave my hands as I ran towards them and I began to yell:

Nora: "Please help me!"

The police officers ran up to me and started to ask my questions:

Police Officer #1: "Where are the bodies?!"

Police Officer #2: "Dude settle down! She is obviously is in no state to tell us where the bodies are!"

I felt my heart drop.

Nora: "There are dead bodies?!"

The second police officer smacked the first officer in the back of the head.

Police Officer #2: "Good job idiot."

Nora: "Someone please tell me what you mean by dead bodies?!"

Police Officer #2: "We got a call from a male saying that 2 of his friends had been killed..."

Nora: "Wait...you mean David and Emily?"

Police Officer #1: "Unfortunately the male said there names were David and Emily..."

I wanted to cry but I remembered that Daniel was still alive and he was injured and (Y/N) might still be alive!

Nora: "There is an attacker! You need to save my remaining friends!"  As I was saying this I saw more police cars showing up.

Police Officer #2: "Is anyone injured but still alive?"

Nora: "Yes my friend Daniel got stabbed in the stomach! We need to go help him!"

Police Officer #2: "Ma'am you need to stay here so you don't risk your life!"

Nora: "I don't care! I'm going to help save my friends!" As I turned around and I began to run back towards the direction of the camp site.

Police Officer #2: "Ma'am don't!" As I heard him say before I heard them start to run after me.

I don't know why I all of a sudden wanted to help my friends, maybe it was the adrenaline but I didn't care, I need to help my friends.

I ran until I got to the campsite and I saw Daniel was still on the ground. I ran over to him and I saw he was still alive! I turned to the police officers and I saw there was paramedics with them.

Nora: "Please help him!"

The paramedics put Daniel on a stretcher and they began to help him with his wounds.

Nora: "Where is (Y/N)?!"

Daniel: "They...got...him..."

Nora: "He is dead?!"

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