Seek x Hide (Fluff)

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(Just two siblings vibing.)

Something about the absence of the rain has Seek feeling a bit disorientated; he was so used to the pattering and tapping of the raindrops against the windows, so much so that he couldn't focus much on the priorities he had.

He didn't exactly know where this fixation came from, why he needed that sound to be able to focus better, but he knew he did need it. None of the other entities, besides one, knew of it.

The fact he couldn't focus brought him frustration, and he was so mad at him himself for allowing such a fault to slip through the cracks and ruin him.

As a human entered his hallway, all he could do was blankly stare at them, his singular eye penetrating their soul with his harsh glare. Other than that, he served as a passive entity, unable to scrape the remaining fragments of determination together to run at them.

As expected, the human just walked through his hallway calmly, continuing to stare back at Seek. Their expectation was that they would've been mercilessly slaughtered, had their skin ripped into miniscule, bite sized pieces. But, no.

When the human got to the end of his first hallway, they turned back around and they gave a wave to Seek, as well as a grateful smile.

Something about that rubbed Seek the wrong way, and he felt a surge of regret for his past actions.

"Oh, my God..." Seek uttered to himself.

Once the human had exited the room, Seek dropped to his knees and held the sides of his head, frantic.

"T-These people are passive...! All this time we've been mercilessly slaughtering them, yet they just want to walk through our hotel. I don't know what they're looking for or why they're intruding, but all they want is to satiate curiousity." Seek seemed very, very remorseful hearing those words slip out from him.

As the human kept going, Seek hurriedly ran after them.

"Wait! Don't carry on, human, there's something you need to be careful of!" Seek screamed as he ran to the end of the hall.

The human, believing him to be chasing them, starting running. All they believed was that they were going to be killed.

When the door was eventually slammed into Seek's face, he ran into it and pounded desperately on it, crying to himself,"Damn it, damn it!"

His knocking was interpreted as aggressive and the human took a step back from the door and walked into the next.

Falling to the floor melodramatically, Seek started sobbing loudly, curling up into a ball to hide himself. He couldn't even protect one measly human, so what good was he?

Hide, being so concerned for his brother, sat in a wardrobe to listen to him,"...Is something wrong, Seek?"

"Yes, there's something wrong, very wrong." Seek cried, rubbing tears from his eye,"A terrible revelation."

"What would that be, Seek?" Hide asked, invested in this revelation of Seek's.

Calming himself down, Seek took in a deep breath,"We... aren't the good guys."

With his attention grabbed by Seek, Hide urged him to elaborate,"How are we not the good guys? We've always been the good guys, haven't we?"

Desperately, Seek babbled,"We're killing innocent people! These humans mean us no harm; they're here to explore our hotel out of curiosity. We were never the good guys."

"Innocent? How can you be so sure? You didn't happen to talk to one, have you?" Hide asked, hoping his brother had some proof behind his claim.

Embarrassed, Seek shook his head,"No. But, I didn't chase one and they turned around and smiled at me. They took the time to offer me their happiness in an attempt to make me feel it, too. They had innocent intentions and I know that they aren't here to slaughter us."

"Well then, why do you need to get out of the room then, Seek?" Hide inquired.

With shaking hands, Seek yelled,"Because they're going to die! They'll die because they don't know how to deal with Figure and I'll have the blood on my hands. I'll be the guilty one and I won't forgive myself."

Nodding, Hide responded,"I'll warn them. Please, don't worry about it too much, Seek."

And, with that, Hide vanished from that wardrobe and into the wardrobe the human was hiding in from Rush.

"Hey, human." He started off, trying to sound as approachable and non-threatening as he could.

This caught the human off guard and they fell out the wardrobe,"Wah, what the hell?!"

"Don't worry. You can call me 'Hide'. I'm the brother of Seek, the entity you ran from." He explained,"And I just want to let you know that we wouldn't harm you at any given point. Seek is grateful for your cheery attitude and your bright smile."

"...Seek likes" The human meekly asked,"Oh, that's very sweet of him. Tell him I'm sorry I ran off."

"He only chased you to warm you of Figure; Figure is a tall, blind entity that occupies room 50, and you have to collect books to escape, substituting shapes for numbers to form a code." Hide explained to the human.

"Oh, well, thank you for telling me." The human said with a smile,"I appreciate your help, and tell Seek I'm sorry and that I like how shiny his eye is."

"Oh, thank you." Hide smiled, not that they could see it in the wardrobe,"Seek will be so happy to hear that."

After that, Hide returned to Seek and told him that the human had said that. Seek, in a fit of excitement, swung the doors of the wardrobe open and wrapped his arms around Hide, much to his surprise.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Seek thanked, profusely,"I just hope for their safety."

"Me too, Seek. They seem like a really, really nice human and it would be a shame to lose them." Hide said.

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