Rush x Reader (Comfort + Fluff)

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In a room illuminated by the golden glow of a flickering candle laid a frail human, shaking with sorrow. Their tears cascaded down their wet face, their cheeks flushed pink as they shivered continuously, unable to find any reason in such a desolate moment.

With each shake of their exhausted body, the bed squeaked in comfort. The rickety old wooden frame and the squealing of the rusted coils attracted the attention of one of the hotel's infamous entities, a figure (Y/n) was more familiar with than any other.

Aimlessly skipping through the halls, the entity shook each wooden board it treaded across; his heavy footsteps echoeing throughout the residence.

Slamming the door open, he came across the weeping human, an unfamiliar feeling of sympathy creeping into his hollow chest. Scooping up the distraught being, he calmly cradled them in his warm arms, letting them know someone had arrived and was going to stay until they were restored to their cheery self.

It was poetic in a sense; such a large creature known for bloodthirst displaying a paternal side, one which even he had no clue even existed, as if they were part of the same family was a sight one would question.

As if all their fear melted away, they leaned up and sobbed into the entity's chest, their wet eyes soaking his buttoned shirt. His thumbs traced over their bottom eyelid the moment they leaned back, their eyes pinned to his.

Each second felt like a lifetime of safety and satisfaction; in the arms of such a beast, (Y/n) sensed a genuine feeling of comfort, of a familial love no human could provide them, possible even an admiration for the vulnerable position Rush had painted himself in that very moment.

In the world, nothing else mattered. (Y/n) could feel their heart beginning to slow in the presence of one who truly gave them the feeling of belonging; a creature known for striking fear was wiping theirs away with his bare fingertips, effortlessly.

Carefully, he rested his hand upon their soaked cheek, keeping his void black eyes soft to express a form of care. To feel the tip of his thumb elegantly scraping across their cheekbone, massaging their skin and wiping it dry, made them believe there was something deeper to the entity; perhaps in another life, a previous life or a life before the hotel, it was well-endowed in human emotion and psychology. It aroused the question of what fortunate soul had been gifted his fatherly presence, who received the affections of such a deceiver.

Each time they felt their skin be caressed by his fatherly touch, they froze up. Tears had long since stopped, and he was doing this on his own accord now, not to mute their persistent cries and wails. Yet, he continued to hold that care, and his empty eyes were filled with some sort of desire.

A desire to protect, a desire to preserve.

Leaning back into his chest, having grown fatigued by the flurry of emotions they had been put through during that day, they allowed their eyes to fall closed as their cumbersome body fell limp. Knowing that there was a chance, a slim yet possible chance, to wake in his arms set them at ease. 

As the human drifted off into a dreamless sleep, numb to the horrors that haunted them, Rush continued to lounge upon their bed, holding them dearly as if they were his own. Each breath he took, each inflation of his lungs and each beat of his heart, allowed (Y/n) the calming vibration of his chest against their small body. They bathed in his warmth, greedily drinking in the heat he had presented to them.

It occured to him that humans could be just as lonely, as lost and loveless as himself, that humans were given as many faults as he was. True, humans took much for granted, overlooking simple priveliges others were starved of, but this was an entirely different thing.

(Y/n), a human who had been under the care of the beings beyond human comprehension, received more support from them, them being bloodthirsty and immoral, than any of their own kind. Craving their attention, their affections, their praise, their comfort. To Rush, it wasn't right, but it felt assuring that such a chance existed and that, if he persisted, he could possibly have what it was any of the others despised.

An opportunity.

An opportunity to set things right.

This singular, damaged human was his ticket to proving himself, setting him apart from the fiends he once associated with.

As (Y/n) laid resting in his arms, he realised that he had it in him to be more than what he was. All the illusions he had been blinded by were broken, fading into nothing more than a bad past to be swept under the carpet; he didn't have to be such a violent creature anymore. With (Y/n) as his witness, he could prove he was more.

Carefully leaning to the left side of the bed, he let out a quick blow to stop the candle from burning, setting the two in the darkness. The ajar door was the only source of light, with the wall-mounted lights slithering through.

Giving himself one final piece of reassurance, he laid there, the human on his chest, finally at peace with himself. In comforting (Y/n), he realised he had comforted himself, too.

And so, he began to dream of a future, one which may now not be so impossible for him to achieve.

One with hope, with warmth, with love.

One he had yearned for, one he had fought for, and one he was going to get.

What a good night it was.


(Sorry for being absent for so long, I promise I'll try and get around to doing requests. I just needed this, and I know it wasn't requested or anything.)

Thanks for reading!

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