Yandere!Human!Figure x Reader (Fluff)

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The blind human stalked (Y/n) through the hotel, his maw lined with teeth holding a likeness to broken glass.

Making their way around the expansive library, (Y/n) tried to evade this inhuman beast; as much as it appeared human, it certainly didn't act it.

"(Y/n), where are you, my darling?" He asked, his voice fostering a patronising, faux tone of affection.

Covering their mouth, they tried to quieten their breathing. They were insistent that they went unheard of. It was a wonder how it knew their name already.

"Come out, darling. I won't hurt you." Figure assured, his voice softening to sound more genuine.

Why the entity was addressing them as 'darling' was something they didn't want to know. Whatever this entity had in mind, they weren't going to let its intentions become tangible.

"Oh, darling, come here." He ordered, his tone very gentle.

Falling for his act, (Y/n) chose to begin their approach, only to realise it could be a front. Diving into a wardrobe, they controlled their erratic heartbeat and tried to calm themself as he peered in.

Or, maybe it couldn't see them. They weren't entirely sure if it could see them, as it didn't have any eyes. If it did, they were covered.

His sharp fingernail on his index tapped on the doors of the wardrobe. As he did so, his mouth curved into a sharp grin,"My darling, come out. I won't lay a hand on you."

Looking up at him in fear, (Y/n) shrunk back.

Forcing the wardrobe doors open, Figure exposed (Y/n) to himself, seeing their shaking form below them.

"Hello, my darling. What a struggle it has been to get to you." Figure sinisterly cackled, offering a hand forwards,"My darling, we'll be a perfect match."

Cautiously, (Y/n) rested their hand in Figure's, their eyes flicking back and forth between his hand and his face, as if to read it for any alternative intentions. Though he appeared an intimidating human, he had a soft grip on their hand, carefully trying to yank them out of the wardrobe, but resisting the urge to.

His typically harsh grip was compromised for a softer one, causing (Y/n) to question what they knew of this entity.

Reluctantly, they accepted his hand and gently stepped out of the closet. To much surprise, Figure simply looked above them, blindly staring at them. By blind staring, it was moreso his head facing their direction.

For every second they were in his presence, they felt so utterly conflicted; this entity was a threat a minute ago, only to convert to a possible love interest. It was apparent that his intentions were based off of some fascination or obsession with them, for whatever reason it was.

Glaring up at him, (Y/n) held that distrust, struggling to maintain a poker face that wouldn't give his game away.

"So, what are you going to do to me?" (Y/n)'s faux confident voice bellowed, sending the message across that they weren't a pawn to him.

"(Y/n), my dearest, you know what happens now. This is the part where..."

Figure leans downward, his fingers trailing around (Y/n)'s neck yet breaking no skin. His mouth was so close to theirs, they could feel his breath on their upper lip.

"...prove our loyalty to one another."

Taking a sharp index finger, Figure held it up, looking to be causing harm.

Cowering back in fear, (Y/n) shielded their head from any blow Figure would dare to make.

Instead of the fingernail being buried in their flesh, it was buried into the flesh of his own right wrist, being dragged carefully to tear the letters of their name into his skin.

"What...what are you doing?!" (Y/n) gasped, a genuine concern becoming evident in their appearance and voice.

"I love you, (Y/n)! The moment you swung the doors of this hotel open, I've been hearing your every movement." He was getting hysterical, digging his nail in deeper,"I tore Screech's eyes out the second you left the room, just so you could feel safe! It's no joke, (Y/n); I love you more than anything anyone could offer me. If I were offered a life with you or the ability to see, I would take the life with you because you're worth more than two working, human eyes."

Though it was endearing, it was definitely disturbing them as well. It was sweet, but so, so scary.

"Okay, that's very kind of you but stop hurting yourself!" (Y/n) ordered, getting Figure to immediately withdraw his fingernail from his wrist.

Rivers of red flowed from his wound, his blood leaking onto the floor and flooding the carpet.

"Oh, Figure..." They sighed, tearing a corner of their shirt and wrapping the material around Figure's wrist to cover the wound.

Figure, calming down a little bit, still trembled with an undeniable excitement. Thrilled, he could hardly catch his breath,"Oh, (Y/n), you're an angel! A beautiful, gorgeous, stunning image of purest perfection!"

"You're blind. I could be the most hideous thing to ever walk the Earth and you'd never know." (Y/n) reasoned.

Shaking his head, he scoffed,"And? Looks mean nothing. You're the light of my life and I would kill myself if you told me to!"

"You'd...do anything?" (Y/n) questioned, getting a bright idea.

Figure confirmed it,"Anything!"

"....anything?" (Y/n) enquired again.

"Yes, anything!" Figure hissed, not sounding spiteful but a little bit irritated (Y/n) didn't believe them.

Taking this as an opportunity, (Y/n) proudly announced,"Get therapy then."

Dumbfounded, Figure could only stare into the void he called his vision,"...what was that, my love?"

"Therapy. You need it." (Y/n) told him, taking both of his hands in theirs,"If you want this to work, get therapy. I can see us together, but I don't want you obsessively throwing yourself at every one of my problems. You need to get it off of your chest, no doubt."

Cackling, Figure leaned right towards their face,"My dear, your love sets fire through my veins and arteries..."

"Please, for me, for us?" (Y/n) pleads, holding his hands tighter.

His heart almost exploded; genuine concern for his safety from the only one who he could love? This was ecstasy to him.

Dragging Figure towards the library's entrance, (Y/n) got him to vow he would go to therapy.

And he did.

Many months, lots of discussions and much progress.

But, he got what he wanted; him and (Y/n) engaged in a romantic relationship and he felt more secure and less obsessive over them.

And the two had never been so happy.

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