Chapter 10

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Her eyes widened as she watched Manik dragging her away from Rudra. She  didn't understand why Manik was behaving like this but her heart flutters seeing him getting jealous. She didn't fail to notice how his jaw clenched up as he stares glaring Rudra.

Her thoughts were broken by Manik who pulls them into corner away from the crowd and gazed her. He was still holding her wrist. Her eyes met his and they both intensely stared looking into each other.

Nandini was first one to broke the gaze and bitting her inner cheeks looks at Manik who didn't diverts his gaze away. His strong gaze made her blush so hard. Her stomach was filled with butterflies.

Nandini : Manik, why did you pull me like this?

Her voice made him come out trance and looking at her steps closer making her eyes widen as she realised how closer they were standing.

She took a step back only to stumble on heels. His arms immediately went around her waist preventing her to fall down. Her fingers fisted his blazer and her eyes shut in fear. He chuckles and something about her made him so crazy. His chuckle made open her eyes and looks at him.

Nandini : are laughing at me Manik? How mean of you? I didn't expected this from you. You don't my question Manik? Are you ignoring me?

Manik : no! I wasn't laughing at you Nandini. Neither I ignored you. How can I ignore this gorgeous girl? I had to pull you because....

He stops and looks at her who smirks waiting for his answer but he shook his head and leans forward making her startled. She looks at him with her eyes widen. His lips brushed against her earlobes as he whispers something to her making her blush.

Manik smirks as he stepped away and noticed her face turning into red. He holds her hands and softly calls her name out before placing a kiss on her hand.

Manik : may I have dance with most beautiful girl?

Nandini looks at him with a smile playing on her lips and placing her hand in his nodded her head. He smiles and holding her hand took her to the dance floor. He placed his arm around her waist gently and seeing her being comfortable with his touch he starts dancing along with the music.

Her heart was pounding so faster as she placed her hand on his chest and staring into their orbs eyes she danced matching his step. They were sync with the music and lost in their own worlds not acknowledging pair of eyes were adoring them.

They stopped dancing when the music stopped and smiling to each other separated away from. They both walks back to their family and stood there.

They didn't stopped stealing glances of each other between their family conversations. Manik couldn't take his eyes off from her. He felt so captivated towards her. He was literally gawking her entire time.

Mukti standing next to Manik smirks and nudges his shoulder making him look at her.

Mukti : Bhai what are you doing? You will kill that poor soul with gaze. Look how flushed she looks.

Manik glaring Mukti steals a glance of Nandini who was talking to her mother but her cheeks were crimsoned by his strong gaze.

He smirks and looked away as his phone rang. He took his phone out and looking at the caller id excused himself out from there.

Mukti: dad are going to hold a big holi party at our place?

Raj : why not? How can we broke our ritual princess? I have started making arrangements.

Alya : wow! I'm so excited for this holi. It will be so much fun. Nandini you have to come with us.

Mukti : yes Nandini. You should come. It's your first festive in India after long. You will never forget this holi.

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