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Omphile's POV

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a few knocks on the door.Argggg!mom its still early can you please give me 5 more extra minutes. I said rolling to the other side of the bed.
"Omphile we need to start packing remember the moving truck is coming at 08:00"She said knocking louder.Arggg!okay mom fine !you can stop with the continuous knocking its really annoying.I said rubbing my hand across my face standing up from my bed.I immediately made my bed then went to take a shower.I don't have to go downstairs though, since my room is an en-suite.Nice,After taking a shower I went downstairs to make myself breakfast,but I quickly changed my mind and made myself a cup of coffee since it was still 06:00 in the morning.Argg! Parents.I thought to myself rubbing my temple.After the cup of coffee I decided to go check up on mom cause she was no where to be seen in the kitchen.

I went up to room and when I was about to knock I heard her crying.Yeah,she does that sometimes but whenever I ask her what is wrong she tries to act strong or that she's okay.And I hate it when she does that cause I want her to open up to me and talk cause I know she is still hurting about my fathers death,like I am too.

I knocked twice then I heard her stop crying,then I heard the door unlock and I saw her red face and nose that she was crying.I didn't say anything to her but to give her a hug.She held on to me so tight and she just let it all out.

"".She said sobbing.

"Mom its okay you dont have to feel ashamed or sorry about that I miss him too,like I think of him all the time and I understand why your still hurting cause it is not easy to just move on but please talk to me whenever you wanna okay?" I said looking down to her while she's in my arms.

"Honey,thank you for that and I really appreciate that.I sometimes feel like a weak mother who is suppose to be there for you all the time not the other way around".she said chuckling looking to the side breaking the hug.

"Mom,crying doesn't mean you are weak and I know for a fact that your one of the world's strongest and coolest mom any daughter could ever ask for.And I know sometimes I too can be distant but trust me I love you mom and I wouldn't change anything about that.Now lets continue packing so we that we can go okay,I mean you. didn't cut my sleep short for nothing right?" I said raising my left eyebrow.

"Of cause not".She chuckles.
"Cool". I said hugging her again then going out to my room. I got in then started packing.I'm so gonna miss this place especially because its the last place where we had good memories with him.I feel hurt whenever I think of the last time I saw him.I remember that day like it was yesterday.


"Come on sweetie we gonna be late"he said.
"Five more minutes!".I said yelling from my room.
"Bree I really need to go,dad has been calling me for like 20 minutes now"I said ending the call then going downstairs.
"Wow look at you,is there someone your trying to impress at school".he said wiggling his eyebrows.
"Daaaaad! Of cause not and I'm not that type of a girl I wanna finish school first then all that can come after but not I just wanna pass with good grades"I said taking the Apple from his hand and biting it real hard.
"Ow well just tell that girl or boy is they ever break my little girl's heart I'll make sure they never walk again.

"Mark your gonna drop her off late again can you guys please go now when your done".Mom said kissing dad.
"Ew! get a room guys" I said walking towards the door.Bye mom I love you.
"Bye honey".she said blowing kisses.

Dad and I finally got to school and he was going to work.We talked about alot of things and about how I should be careful with boys as if I'm dating one.

"Bye sweetheart"he said kissing me on the forehead.
"Bye dad".I said smiling. I was about to get out then he grabbed me by my hand then he said "Omphile, I want you to know that I will always love you no matter what and I'm so proud and blessed to have a daughter and wife like you and your mom, enjoy your day at school and see you later"

'Dad,why are talking like that its weird I mean you never say that most of the time but I love you too"I said hugging him.

It was our last period of the day and only and hour left for school out I cant to wait to see dad and tell him about how my day was and all.I saw Mrs Smith looking at me with worry and sadness as she entered the room and Miss Spencer called my name so that we can go to the principal's office.

Uhm....Mrs Smith is everything okay? I asked but she just kept quiet.Okay that's weird.We walked through the school hallways then finally reached the Principal's office and I found mom there.
"Mom,hey what are doing here is dad not gonna come to fetch me today?.I asked sitting down.

"Honey.there's actually something I wanna tell you". With her saying that I feared.for the worst and indeed it was the worst nightmare I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

" gone honey"she said crying hard.
"No!mom tell me your joking this is one of your pranks right?.she didn't she was joking cause she just shaked her head and was just a mess.
And I just set there not making any sounds tears falling on my face.I was still processing the whole thing and I just thought of us talking in the morning and with me having to see him again but I'm never ever gonna see him again.His gone.his really gone.that's when it started to sink in that I won't ever see him again.

End of flashback

Those were the last words he said to me before he died it was as if he knew that he was going to go.I miss him each and everyday of my life and it has been hard without him but mom and I are pushing together.Trying to be there for one another cause that's what he would have wanted even though mom and I tend to fight sometimes but we do love one another.I was in my deep thoughts until I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in,mom"I said packing the last box.
"Ow,are you done honey?"
"Yes mom,is the truck here yet?.
"Yes honey we gotta go they've already took some of the stuff them the rest will follow us all the way to sandton".
"Okay,mom lemme say goodbye to my room.for the last time.I said with a sad face.
"Sure ,Honey no problem"She said going out.

I decided to just lie there for few minutes until I heard my phone ringing.It was Bree short for Bridget.we've been my besties from kindergarten till forever.

"Hey babes,how is my Bestie doing!"She yelled I nearly busted my eardrum.She can be so dramatic sometimes and loud I mean VERY loud. "Bree you know you don't have tobe that loud I nearly lost my hearing there".I chuckled "and I'm doing good just sad that we are moving and I'm leaving you behind.
"Ncooow,don't be sad now we will see each other during the holidays and again we can video call and talk its not the end of the world that your leaving you know?.she said laughing.

"Yeah,yeah I know just that I'm going to miss you and everything in this place including dad".I said sadly

"Omphile,your dad will always be with you in your heart,mind and soul and I bet his watching over you and your mom right now and you got your mom with you.So you guys better be there for one another okay?"

"Yeah,thanks Bestie but I gotta go now cause mom is definitely furious with me". I say waiting for a response then I hear giggling on the other side."uhm..Bree.hello"I say sounding bored cause I know she just called me while she's with one of her girlfriends."ow,Heyy sorry about that I'm just chiling with Lee"she said sounding weird."Oh My Goodness! Bree what the hell happened to Lisa?.I asked shocked."we broke up I forgot to tell you she kinda found me with this guy in my room and I tried to explain it was mistake but she just didn't wanna hear me out.She says sounding not sorry. "Wow! I say shaking my head in disbelief. You know Bree I so feel sorry for Lee right cause your full of surprises and your always changing partners ,you know what lemme go and you carry on with what your doing,Bye Bestie say hi to Lee for me.
"Bye,Bestie I know you love me".she said laughing.
"Whatever".I ended the call then went downstairs and mom was really frustrated.

"Mom...Bree..wa...she quickly interrupted me before I could finish.
"Get in the car young Lady,we are already late for sour flat"she said holding her temple.I went to outside and got in the car while she was talking to the moving drivers.I put on some music on the radio."cardi b,babyyyyyyy! I screamed while moving to the beat.It was the Up hit.I'm a lover of Cardi b she's actually one of my favorite artists.Mom came and we went to the airport and I gotta say I was already feeling tired before I could even get in that flight cause its sure going to be a long one.They took our luggage then we went to the plane.I love travelling,but my first time on a plane was not a great one I just felt nauseous and sick but I think now my body is used to it.I watched as the plane go off and I was leaving that place for good not like good,good but good.Haa.I put my headphones on and was out like a light before i even knew it.

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