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Omphile's POV

I'm pretty sure she forgot about me I thought throwing my phone on the bed with disappointment going to the bathroom but I then heard a notification coming in and my heart skipped with excitement when I saw a "princess" with heart next to it I know I'm not suppose to be this excited but I can't help it.I jumped on my bed a few times then I finally took my phone to reply saving her numbers first.

I thought you forgot about me.

And why would I do that?

Uhm....maybe your girlfriend is keeping you busy or something

Can we not talk about her right now?
And she's not my girlfriend


Okay,I just can't shake the feeling of her finding out that you and I are texting each other like this.she's really gonna kill me :!


Don't worry I know how to handle her,besides what's happening between the two of us is none of her fucken business.we are not dating and she has a boyfriend.

And by boyfriend you mean you?

What!no,she has a boyfriend that is paying for all the expensive things and clothes she wears to school.

So nothing is really happening between the two of you?

We are just hooking up that's it.

Wow! So you guys are "just hooking" and your saying it as if its normal?

I mean that's the truth or you wanted me to lie about it?

Don't you dare try me kay! Your the one whose been saying "I DONT FRICKIN UNDERSTAND!"meanwhile your fucking her! Whilst trying to persuade me to date you and you thought I was gonna say "yes" just like that?

Do you see why I didn't want us to talk about her? she's just coming between us and you're letting this get to you!

You and I ain't dating! And you've just proved to me that your a liar! I mean what more are you not telling me? Even if I started coming around to you still,you'll hurt me by lying and being dishonest . I mean your already fucking with a person who is a relationship with someone what makes me sure that you won't be tempted to do so if one day we date?

Neo,she doesn't love that guy!she's just using him for the money and I also want to let this go too but I just cant!

Well,wether she's using the guy or not it still doesn't change anything!

Princess,remember what I said about you not pushing me away?please don't do that and I'm sorry for not being completely honest with you from the moment you asked me about her okay? I'll end whatever this is between her and I tomorrow and I'll prove to you that I am trustworthy.

I don't wanna force you to do something that your not sure or ready for and you don't have to do that because I'm now in the picture.I don't wanna end up in other peoples bad books okay?

I understand,but I've been planning on doing that way before you came the thing is she's being stubborn about the whole thing and now that your here I feel even more sure to do through with it.

Whatever you say....

Can we talk about this tomorrow after the party?


Cool,sweet dreams princess.


Arggggggg I just don't know what to do anymore I mean one moment she makes me feel things I've never felt before and the other she makes me regret ever meeting her in my life.I mean why can't she just break up with her I mean that's not hard especially if she's already in a relationship with a guy I don't understand how Kay just wants to settle for less or come second I mean there are a lot of girls that she can date and love that will also love her back genuinely but she's so stuck with that bitch there has got to be a reason why behind this and I'm gonna find out I don't know how but I have to.

*Knock knock*

"Come in"
"Hey darling,you okay?"she sat on the bed looking at me with worry. Which weirded me out
"Mom"I blinked twice."I am great never been better but are you okay?what's wrong?"
"I'm glad you are and I'm also okay I just wanted to come and check up on you that's all I mean you've been in here for more than an hour now and its a Friday night which used to be a movie night for the three of us and I really miss him thinking of all the good times we had and I really could use a Buddy right now to watch a movie with me" she let out a chuckle.

"I miss him too" I hugged her "and I definitely need some cheering up after the conversation I just had with some stranger who happens to be our neighbour" I pouted.

"Oh no! You guys are already fighting?that's not good I must......" I quickly cut her off.
"MOM,we are not dating just friends i think and what fight? We were just discussing this assignment we have to do together nothing more or less and I've told you that I'm not into dating even if I was definitely not with kay" I stood up pulling her off the bed.

"But why? She looks like a good person and she's kinda hot" she smirked.
"Mom ewwwww, lets just go"
"You like her I mean your not denying it" she grinned. I ignored her taking out some popcorn packet putting it in the microwave.
"So you ready for tomorrow?" She rose a brow looking at me across the room.
"I'm actually not going anymore " I shrugged pouring the popcorns in a bowl.
"What!why? I mean you were so happy about being invited and all of the sudden you happen to have a change of mind?" She frowned.
"I just don't think its a good idea anymore I just don't feel like I'll fit in or belong there I'll just be the only weird girl there with a room full of a bunch of cool high school kids,I'll call Kay and let her know that" I took the remote to turn on the volume but she beat me to it.

"MOM!" I said trying to snatch it back.
"But omphile I just don't understand,I mean what about the money you spent on your whole outfit?and also I know Kay will probably be sad that your no longer going she really likes you and by the look of things she's probably not gonna give up just yet because she's loves you"

"Mom,since when do you if someone likes the other or not? And Kay and I won't happen! she's just not for me I don't care what you see and you only knew her for a few days and your already saying all that?"
"Arggg,stop acting all innocent now you think I didn't see all those steamy make outs you guys have been doing at the front door?" She smirked.
I felt my face turning red at the statement OMG thinking of that just made me feel a bit embarrassed that mom actually saw us shit "What!mom you've been seeing us but said nothing about it and why would you do that?" I hid my face with the bowl full of popcorn.

"Dont give me that! I didn't even spy or watch you guys I mean I heard a knock as I was about to go and answer I heard that your already at the door but I wish I turned back sooner because I heard a lot of sounds that were definitely not talking but I didn't stay long because it I went back to my room and read book trying to forget what I just witnessed,the door was closed though" she stuffed a hand full of popcorns in her mouth and watched tv as is she didn't say what she just said now.
"I am so embarrassed right now I want the earth to open and swallow me" I held the bridge of my nose with disbelief.
" Don't be darling we all been there"
"Wow" I continued watching the movie trying hard not to think about that heated kiss we had not long ago because I was starting to get turned on which was unpleasant especially when I'm with mom.

2hours later

I really must go to bed I mean its like 01:30 in the morning and mom went to bed 2 hours ago.I switched the tv off and switched of the lights going back to my room.My phone started ringing who could that be at this time of the day? to my surprise I saw Kay's name on the screen and my body just froze I didn't know whether to answer or not the other part of me wanted to answer and the other didn't so I just went on and ignored the call I'll just say I was sleeping or something.She called and called and called like 5 times damn does she ever give up? I Put it on to silent because Kay really was starting to piss me off with her endless calling. I put on my nightdress,switched on my bed light then got in to bed drifting off to sleep.


Hey guys I know its been long since I posted an update but please bare with me school has got me busy I'll be writing my exam next month,wish me luck✨ and thank you.

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