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Omphile's POV

Shit! I can't believe we just did that in school how can she embush me like that!?I thought to myself and daddy? What the fuck came over me!? Was I that aroused that I didn't think straight?!she really knows all my sensitive spots I mean the moment she kissed me I was sensitive all over.She just knows how to make me feel things and her fingering my goodness I swear that was my g-spot looking at how I squirted like a fountain back there but I don't think it was that deep because I've never had sex before I guess she's been doing it for while now.I shook the thought off because I my face was starting to redden.

I was scared for my life when someone attempted to open the door imagine what could have happened if we were busted,Klara was going to murder me Kay has got to stop this thing of hers and its too risky to be doing that in school.After going to class I saw Klara and Kay talking you'd swear they were having an argument because of how pissed Kay looked I was even starting to worry that maybe she was the one knocking at the door or Kay told her something but during their argument I saw Klara standing up coming my way shit I felt my tummy making weird sounds because I was scared that she might hit me or tell the whole class what we were doing in the bathroom with Kay My heart was beating so fast that it wanted to come out of my chest ,my hands getting sweaty she pulled the chair right next to my table and sat down. Act cool ,act cool,act cool I kept saying that to keep my self calm but I was making things worse.

"Hey,are you Neo?" She asked with a frown.
"" I asked with a shaking voice.
"Is there anything that you wanna tell me?" She said getting closer. Could it be? "Something like what?" I gulped.
"what's going on between you and Kay?" She folded her hands looking dead right in to my eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that you....." I stopped after hearing a laugh. "He he he" she laughed holding her stomach with a bit of tears in her eyes. "Girl,I'm kidding why are you so tense?" She laughed.
"Ow(chuckles)....yeah....he..he" I laughed nervously. "I tend to overthink things sometimes you really had me there" I faked a smile.
"No problem,I'm Klara by the way" she let out a hand.

"I already knew that,I'm Neo and good to meet you" I smiled shaking her hand.
"You already knew? She rose her right brow " are you and Klara that close? I mean she never tells anyone about me I bet" she grinned.
"Actually nope,I saw you guys kissing the other day and my deskmate told me because I'm new here" I scratched the back of my neck.

"ow,about that I'm hosting a party this weekend and your invited,your actually lucky because no first timers actually are invited to my parties" she said taking out her phone.
"No,thank you I'm not a party person and I don't know what I will wear so I'll pass" I said giving her a small smile.

"Well,you can't turn down the invite that's very rude and I really would love to have you there,I mean you'll get to meet new people and socialize again Kay will be there"she said looking at me.
"Not sure about the socializing part but I'll see" I fake smiled I hope she doesn't see that
"Great,the theme is black or Royal blue you choose and 10p.m sharp,don't be late" she said giving me her phone.

"Nice,so what am I suppose to do with your phone?" I asked with frown
"Your tens dummy,so that I can send you the details" she laughed.
"Ow,right" I typed my tens in giving her the phone.
"Thank you,see you on Saturday" she blew a kiss then went back to her seat.

"What just happened?" Jane said blinking her eyes twice.
"I don't know,I actually thought she was going to break my bones but it seems she has no clue about what happened". I shrugged.
"Anyway don't fall for her trap she's never that nice to anyone and I wouldn't go to that party if I were you" she said facing forward.
"Jane,I know okay, I too don't want to got there but Kay will be there so maybe everything will be fine I suppose". I let out a nervous chuckle.
"I told you to stay away from those people! And you must know that Klara is definitely planning on hurting you or something at the party because she's a psycho! You hear me? she's Cray cray" she said motioning her finger in circles near her head."she's so going to kill you when she finds out that you and her girlfriend were fucking.

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