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Omphile's POV

"So your saying its my fault?!" She said looking at me with rage in her eyes.

"I never said that!" I said yelling back.

"I think I need some air" she said getting up her chair as she went outside.

What just happened?We were okay a few minutes ago and now this!.I really thought being honest and real was gonna make things better but I think I just made the wrong move by telling her or maybe it was just too soon?

I mean all I ever wanted was to take this off my chest and have no other secrets that I might be keeping from her.Since I told her that I want us to give it a try.

My thoughts were interrupted by a banging sound I heard coming from the passage.

OMG!What was that? I was startled still processing what was happening but I saw alot of the students going out and alot of cheering at was happening.I quickly went out to check  only to find Kay holding Ken against wall then throwing her on floor.

My body just froze instead of going in to stop them I stood there, seeing that side of her really gave me a fright.I mean I always knew she isn't much of a chilled person but what I witnessed really was something else,more than I had imagined.

I tried going to them but two other students finally broke them up before  Kay could land a punch on Ken's face but as they broke them apart our eyes made contact with each other and I could only see hurt and regret in those ocean eyes of her.

I mean why wouldn't she feel like that after what I have done with her best friend?and to make things worse Klara just had to come and spill the beans before I could even talk to her.She prolly thought I wanted to keep this a secret which isn't the case.

"Kendall and Kayde in my office now!" Principal Shaun said as she looked at them.

I really wish I could go with them and just hear what the principal has to say.I just wish they don't get expelled  or worse.

"Okay,Alright show is over back to your classes now its my period!" Miss Spencer said walking towards our class and I gotta say it really was difficult for me to focus throughout  the period as I looked at the door to see if they come back especially Kay.

"Neo?" A voice calling out my name snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I said realizing  its Mrs Spencer.

"what's the answer?" She said looking at me  through her spectacles.

"For?"  I said with confusion.

The whole class laughed at me after saying that.

"I asked if is this statement true or false?"

"True" I said without even knowing what the statement was saying but the class laughed again.

"Neo can I please see you after lunch?"

"What!?"I whispered yelled.

"Yes,14h30 sharp and this isn't open for discussion" she said turning to the board.

"Arg!"I mumbled to myself looking down at my phone under the table but the  sound of the door opening made me look up,seeing her enter the room kinda made me feel better and also sad at the same time.

I was waiting for her to come back to seat but she went at the back and sat with Klara as she passed Ken's table.I felt my heart breaking because its all my fault this happened and now she's gone back to that psycho instead of hearing me out but I won't let it go just like that she will talk whether she likes or not.

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