Chapter Eleven:: Secret's Out

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That night after dinner, I asked to talk to Newt alone

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That night after dinner, I asked to talk to Newt alone. I hadn't seen the pond yet, so I took him to sit on the small fishing dock together.

The black waters of the pond reflected the stars on the surface of the drink.

"Is this about the Zart thing? Because I'm sorry. I had no idea he'd do that. Since you arrived he's been a right oddball with no bloody filter."

"No, no, it's not that. But I appreciate the apology," I sighed softly. "I um... remembered things in a vision I had while I was out..."

"Oh, okay," He gave me a puzzled look. "What was it?"

Here goes.

"Our parents."

"Really? That's interesting, not many of us remember- wait," He looked unbelievably shocked out of his mind. "Y-you said... our?"

"Our parents," I nodded, smiling at him with very quickly watering eyes. "You're my brother, Newt."

"Bloody hell..." His mouth hung open, staring. He looked away, then back at me. And that's when I noticed tears in his eyes as well. "Can... can I hug you?"

"Of course."

Newt pulled me into a tight hug, burying his face into my shoulder. For a while we just sat there and held each other.

Familiarity. There it is. That painfully familiar feeling. Only this time, it was a good pain.

"What else?" He pulled away, sniffling. Eager to know more. "Our parents, I mean. What about them?"

"They sent us here," I said. "Not- to the maze. To America. Something about a disease. They were trying to protect us from it."

"A disease?" He pondered the words in his brain. "Do you think..."

"I don't like to. But it's... it's realistic, Newt..."

"You're probably right," He mumbled, turning his eyes back to the pond. "I just... can't believe I have... family. Here. With me. It- it explains so much. The accents the looks the scars..."

"I know," I laughed softly. "I was worried you'd think I was crazy and not believe me."

"About something like this?" He scoffed. "Not bloody likely! Elsie. Your name, too. It's beautiful. It fits you."

"Thanks, Newt," I leaned on his shoulder, then eventually he led me to the hammock hut to sleep for the night.

The next morning, I started my job with Frypan. After the incident with the tree as a gardener with Newt, we all decided that maybe that wasn't my job.

And I fit so beautifully with the cook position and Frypan as a friend that I just decided to join him in the kitchen.

This morning he decided that we'd have biscuits and sausage gravy and eggs. He very much enjoyed baking last night, so he wanted to do it again today with the biscuits.

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