Chapter Seventeen:: Run

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Today's the day

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Today's the day.

The day Minho and I go out into the maze together. So I can learn the routes and sections.

So I can help find a way out.

But first, breakfast. After letting the greenie out of the pit.

He and I walked and talked to the mess hall, then joined the other running guys at the table.

We're up before everyone else today so we can get a nice early start on mapping out the maze.

Plus, Minho wants to be able to take as long as he can so I can soak up as much of the routes as I can.

Newt is going to show the Greenie around today, help him adjust and find a job he's good at.

After the incident that happened with him and Gally, Alby decided it was best for my safety that one of the guys tackles the new one.

"Be careful out there, Elsie," Frypan gave me a concerned look as Minho and I were heading out.

"I'll be okay," I told him with confidence. "I can hold my own. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, it's bonfire day. We've got snacks to make and Gally's gonna be with us getting his drink ready."

Great. Gally.

"So, the day you got here and took off in this maze, you actually ran Newt's route. Which, now that I look back on it, is actually hilarious because you two are siblings. It's like you've got the same subconscious."

"That was a very science-y word for you," I teased him as we jogged. "I expected you to be more buff than brains."

"Hey!" He scoffed and playfully shoved me over. "Rude! I'm not totally dead up here! You know, I bet I was some prodigy super smart whiz kid before this experiment shit. I bet I was smarter than you."

"Unlikely!" I fired back.

"Come on, tiny legs. Let's speed up. I've got something to show you."

—3rd Person—

Little did Minho and Elsie know, all hell had broken loose in the Glade while they were running. Zart had wandered off into the maze to spy on Minho and Elsie... but ran into a Griever... and got stung.

Chuck was minding his own business, going to visit Dory in her pen at the Slicer shack when he saw Zart stumbling out of the fruit trees.

"Hey, Zart the Fart! You okay? You don't look so great!"

The tall boy didn't respond, but instead he yelled and charged the smaller boy with a rake in his hand. Chuck took off towards the homestead, pure panic in his face.

Gally had been checking on the repairs he and the builders had done on the homestead when he saw Chuck being chased.

But when he saw who was chasing him, and then a giant dark puncture wound through the back of his blue sweatshirt, he took off after them.

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