chapter 5

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The world martial arts tournament ended for our hero after defeating piccolo jr who he can clearly say the second strongest fighter on earth next to him and gaining a massive zenkai boost.

Zenkai boost are ingrained trait which passed from the ancient saiyan times yamoshi the first good hearted saiyan the first god of saiyan's must be on par with the god's.

On canon Goku and Vegeta fought numerous number of threats but the zenkai rate is pitiable in nature after some theories he concluded that zenkai are Directly is a gene associated trait.

These zenkai genes are only produced at a large amount with the saiyan's most prominent trait their tails it have the genetic information to how to produce these zenkai genes.

That's was the reason the god tier saiyan's like Goku and Vegeta were not able to get a huge amount of zenkai's after their near death battles.

Just like raditz and Vegeta told at the beginning of z the saiyan's potential lay on their tail. That's also one of the reason after cutting Vegeta tail at z he was not able to recover his tail he could not able to regrow his tail eventhough we know tail are regrowable on seeing og Goku regrow several times his tail.

One of the reason he kept his tail also for this reason he had several reasons one for his mate who loved to play with his tail for fun.

Now coming here after the tournament he went to change his clothes and was hungry so he went to clean himself but the gaze's of bulma and chi chi focusing him so he told them to wait for him that he have a serious topic to discuss.

Both girls nodded chi chi due to Goku telling him earlier on the tournament and bulma wanted to see if she have a chance to be with Goku because yamcha after coming to the city totally changed his nature gone the loyal boyfriend now he became a player because of the fame of being in the world martial arts tournament he had few girls flocking him she know he is going with them without her knowing.

Bulma was not that shock about yamcha courting other girls polygamy is common on earth due to the population of the earth is the mixture of beast men's, and other races it's allowed to practice polygamy.

The thing which irritated her is that he didn't tell her about the girls and and not loyal to her and the understanding between them is totally gone she already broke up with him  the main reason he come to watch the tournament is to see Goku and the gang she heard krillin getting resurrection two years ago and he told her Goku will participate in this tournament.

Imagine the surprise she had on seeing the boy she travelled with is now this handsome hot man but what attracted her to him was his smile and that warm aura around him.

Goku went to shower in the nearby river near the city and washed himself and within a second a golden glow enveloped him and a new dress was equiped.

Goku went to shower in the nearby river near the city and washed himself and within a second a golden glow enveloped him and a new dress was equiped

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The dress was identical to the xeno Goku clothes he had the power pole on the back. The power pole is with him because after training with Kami he took it unlike the og Goku who left the last remaining memory of Gohan who passed his legacy giving him the pole.

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