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It was the next day and you had switched into a better outfit, it wasn't your armour but it'd prevent you from getting dirty which was always good.

You shook your staff which called Cloudjumper over, Cloudjumper flew from the right and roared before using his talons to grab the staff.

"You're up early." You stated

Cloudjumper looked down and roared happily at you.

The Bewilderbeast roared at you before looking away, you and the Bewilderbeast had a special bond to say the least. You did raise him.

Cloudjumper halted and looked around before spotting the Changewing nesting area, Incognito was walking around there.

He swung you over and you hooked your staff on a nearby rock which prevented you from falling to your demise.

You were mentally prepared and mentally collected when in the air freely, years of training with Cloudjumper and knowing that Cloudjumper is always there to catch you.

Incognito changed colours to yellow and roared before you unhooked the staff and landed on your feet to inspect the nests, Cloudjumper landed behind you and looked around.

"I assume the Changewing babies are all accounted for?" You asked

Incognito looked off to the left and roared back at you before looking up ahead at a distressed female Changewing whom had an empty nest. 3 vibrant egg shells around it.

"Missing Changewings. Cloudjumper." You said

Cloudjumper lowered himself which allowed you to get on top of him, the Stormcutter quickly took off towards the water which was where most baby Changewings went due to the Bewilderbeast and how curious they were about the Seashockers in the water.

You saw a Changewing baby landing on the Bewilderbeast tusk, he kept calm before he looked at you and moved the tusk a little.

You waved before Cloudjumper swooped below the tusk, you jumped and got the Changewing in your arms.

You hopped off the tusk and onto Cloudjumper whom was waiting right there for you.

"Where did your siblings go?" You asked

The baby Changewing roared before Cloudjumper roared back at it.

"I wonder where the other is." You said

You heard multiple Seashocker shrieks and Cloudjumper immediately dove towards the rocky areas which surrounded the water.

"There!" You exclaimed

A small Changewing seemed to be taunting a newborn Seashocker, the adult Seashockers didn't seem to like this.

The baby Changewing in your arms roared in excitement.

The baby Seashocker swam towards you which allowed you to grab the Changewing that was following it.

"Thanks, don't worry. This Changewing is going straight back to his nest." You reassured

The pod of Seashockers roared before returning to where the Bewilderbeast was, he was already asleep meaning Cloudjumper would take over.

Cloudjumper shrieked as the sun set outside, the baby Changewing that was still in the sanctuary would be going to sleep soon.

"Go Cloudjumper!" You shouted

Both Changewings were eager to go to sleep, you and Cloudjumper would need to find it before all the dragons fall asleep.

You flew over to where Lump was going to fall asleep, both Rumpus and Sailback were there too.

You shook your staff which immediately made them create flames, it'd light up the area.

"Nobody move." You ordered

Cloudjumper sniffed around, you knew the Changewing was somewhere in that area.

Just then Clawlifter landed in the area which spooked the Changewing into reappearing, Rumpus immediately moved to clamp down on the Changewing's small tail. 

"Thank you Rumpus." You smiled

Rumpus roared in response before you grabbed the Changewing, the Thunderclaw let go before laying back down to go to sleep.

Cloudjumper lowered himself so that you could get onto his back, you had retrieved all three Changewings which meant everyone was safe for the night.

Cloudjumper took off and began flying towards the Changewing nest, he made sure to avoid any of the ice that was made by The Alpha.

Cloudjumper landed on the small ledge before lowering his back to let you off of him.

The Changewing mother and Incognito whom were still awake had ran over.

"I'd keep watch of these three." You smiled

Incognito took two Changewings while the mother took one, once all three Changewings were placed somewhere secure you walked back towards Cloudjumper.

You lifted the Staff before Cloudjumper hopped off the rocks, he pulled up and used the talons on his feet to grab the Staff and carry you back to where you and him usually slept.

Cloudjumper swung you onto the grass that was on the rocks.

Once Cloudjumper landed he ran onto a large rock formation that was used as a perch or shortcut to places.

Cloudjumper shrilled which echoed through the cave, it'd tell the dragons who couldn't hear it earlier that it was lights out.

He then ran back to you, you had already changed into regular clothes and you were now ready to go to sleep.

You set your staff down along with your extra clothes before grabbing onto the talon that was attached to his wing, he lifted you gently and into the same position where you could see below the Rocky yet grassy area you were above.

Cloudjumper roared softly before tilting his head in confusion, you sensed some sort of comfort.

You zoned back into reality so Cloudjumper used his wing to block off any light that could get in and he used his wing to cling onto the wall safely.

Cloudjumper nudged you happily before resting his head near yours, Cloudjumper was the best dragon anyone could ask for and anyone could agree if you look at it the right way.

Cloudjumper didn't need you at all but he still stuck around to make sure that you were alright.

Cloudjumper had fallen asleep with his head in the same position, The Stormcutter must've been worn out because of the baby Changewings.

You scratched your dragons chin happily before you let your head rest against his.

You fell asleep not too long after, you didn't have much to do the next day but you still wanted to get up early since you did need to check up on the Bewilderbeast and Seashockers.

You hadn't done it in a long time since the cave was pretty busy meaning both dragon species were busy too. The pod of Seashockers were usually out hunting while the Bewilderbeast was resting or roaring certain commands.

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