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Hiccup and you flew towards The Bewilderbeast on your dragons, The Bewilderbeast got ready to fire ice and once he did both dragons pulled up.

You hopped off Cloudjumper and fell towards Hiccup, you grabbed his hand and noticed that Drago was puzzled about you and Hiccups absence since both dragons weren't carrying their riders. Both were gone.

Hiccup had gas trailing behind him and once Drago had noticed that you and him were heading straight for him you used your staff to hit him which caused Drago to fall off his head and drop his bullhook.

Both dragons dived for their riders and once Hiccup had ignited the gas it exploded all around and the gas quickly cleared.

The Bewilderbeasts tail was heading for both you and Hiccup.

"Bud! Now or never!" He exclaimed

You stretched out your staff and yanked Hiccup back a little, Toothless's back spines split which gave him enough time to get Hiccup out of that position.

Cloudjumper landed in front of the Bullhook and when Drago attempted to reach it Hiccup had thrown his sword over which made Drago shout in pain due to the burn you received.

"It's over Drago." Hiccup stated

Cloudjumper growled and so did Toothless at the man on the ground.

Drago looked back and smirked as the smoke cleared.

You were about to grab the Bullhook beside Hiccup but The Bewilderbeast came into sight, nowhere to run.

"Hiccup. This doesn't look too good." You commented

Hiccup yelled when ice came towards you and him, he immediately went onto the ground so you did so too.

Cloudjumper and Toothless quickly jumped after you, Cloudjumper made a protective ball around both you, Hiccup and Toothless.

You and Hiccup heard some sort of banging, and crying.

Astrid was trying to break the ice in terror.

Noises could be heard from within the ice, both Cloudjumper and Toothless seemed to be glowing different colours. Toothless was blue and Cloudjumper had an orange or yellow along his back.

The ice got brighter and eventually it broke with rushes of blue and orange near it, Cloudjumper and Toothless got onto different pieces of the ice and began shrieking at The Bewilderbeast.

They were challenging The Alpha, could two dragons really be Alphas at the same time?

"This is amazing." Hiccup commented

"They're challenging him!" You exclaimed

"All to save you two!" Astrid smiled

Toothless hopped back to his rider and Cloudjumper came running to you, he was glowing orange whilst Toothless glowed blue.

"Let's finish this, my dear brother." You smirked

"Once and for all." Hiccup stated

He got onto Toothless and you stood on Cloudjumper and they both got onto broken pieces of ice to reach eye level with The Bewilderbeast.

"This is a dragons trust." You said

"Do something!" Drago screamed

He stabbed his Bewilderbeast with the Bullhook.

"Yelling at them doesn't do anything, you don't know how to train them." Hiccup stated

Dragons flew over to Hiccup, Toothless, you and Cloudjumper. The Bewilderbeast no longer had control over them.

"Cloudjumper!" You exclaimed

"Do it Bud!" Hiccup said

Both dragons began blasting at The Bewilderbeast whom did nothing in return.

"Fight! Fight back!" Drago ordered

Toothless roared at Meatlug and she understood the order, Cloudjumper then shrieked and all dragons from the sanctuary got their fire ready. Every dragon from Berk did so too.

"Last call Drago." You said

Drago continued hitting his Bewilderbeast, the dragons began blasting at Drago and Drago only. The Bewilderbeast would be spared of their rage.

Cloudjumper propelled off the ice and swooped in to grab Drago.

"Drago Bludvist, I've been waiting this for a long time. You will be executed for your actions, you shall be fed to the Seashockers." You stated

Your Bewilderbeast surfaced and roared victoriously, The Seashockers swam through the water.

"Say hi to Krogan for me, will you?" You asked

Cloudjumper dropped the man into the water and the Seashockers pulled him under.

Cloudjumper shrieked at the water before landing back on Berk, you stood next to Hiccup whom was petting Toothless happily.

"So glad you're back Bud." Hiccup said

"Well Cloudjumper, now that that's over. Thank you. For everything of course, and saving me in that ice and challenging the alpha for me." You smiled

You hugged Cloudjumper and he hugged you back using his four wings before roaring.

Hookfang walked over and bowed to the two, every dragon in Berk did slowly. Even The Bewilderbeasts which wasn't a surprise.

"Who's up for some dragon racing tomorrow? With Y/n too! Since I'm now chief I'd say it's a special occasion. Celebrate our dragons." Hiccup smiled

Everyone began to cheer and go up to greet their dragons, everyone was reunited with each other and Hiccup went over to talk with Astrid.

Eret came over and so did Skullcrusher.

"You'd make a pretty good dragon rider, since Skullcrusher doesn't have a rider would you like to take that place? Only if you're both alright with it." You stated

Skullcrusher looked over at Eret and roared happily, Eret laughed before looking back at you.

"I suppose we could give this a try! Right big guy?" Eret said

Skullcrusher shrieked happily before running off with Eret.

You looked back at Cloudjumper whom was right beside you, The New Alpha.

"In all seriousness. Thank you for everything. For being with me, protecting me and doing so much more for me. You're the best dragon." You smiled

Cloudjumper nudged you towards where both Bewilderbeast were sitting in the water.

"Welcome to the family!" You smiled

The darker Bewilderbeast got to your height and roared happily at you.

Your Bewilderbeast and the new Bewilderbeast both were excellent friends, you'd most likely take both back to the sanctuary to live together since the Bewilderbeast to the right was injured deeply and seemed to be a little timid towards people and dragons.

"I'd love to see what this dragon racing thing is all about. You up for it Cloudjumper?" You asked

Cloudjumper called for every dragon from the sanctuary.

"To the sanctuary! We can rebuild using you both and your ice, we can all have as much fish as we want afterwards!" You smiled

The Seashockers surfaced and greeted the new Bewilderbeast cheerfully.

"Back to the Sanctuary!" You declared

You got onto Cloudjumper and he quickly took off, both Bewilderbeast began diving with the Seashockers and the rest of the dragons got up into the air to follow their alpha.

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