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It was the next day, Cloudjumper and you had stayed on the ledge and eventually all the dragons that came to visit had joined in the little relaxation day.

You had switched into better clothes, your armour and regular clothes were being cleaned by a Seashocker who offered.

Gruff, Warden, Gustnudger, Clawlifter, Rumpus, Sailback and Pestbud had joined in a long while ago. You didn't mind having the other dragons around.

"I've brought us some fish!" You exclaimed

Gruff changed to a dull yellow before using his sense of smell to pick up a fish, Sailback and Rumpus seemed to happily share a few.

Clawlifter practically took a pile for himself and began to eat it on his own, not even dragons like Pestbud or Gustnudger could have a bite so the two got their own pile.

You made sure that you cut up Warden's fish and once you had done the task he happily ate on the perch.

Cloudjumper roared happily before taking his fair share of fish, you grabbed a piece of cooked fish and ate it yourself beside Cloudjumper whom was happily sitting down watching The Bewilderbeast and the Seashockers.

"This is pretty nice." You commented

Cloudjumper growled passively before turning his head all the way around to catch Clawlifter sneaking a few more fish, Cloudjumper let it slide and continued to stare at the dragons below.

"We should totally interact like this more often." You stated

Cloudjumper nodded in agreement before swinging his tail up so that Gruff didn't trip over it, Gruff tripped over tails of many dragons often which is why most dragons kept their tails beside them so that Gruff didn't get hurt.

Warden roared before running towards your staff and grabbing it.

"What're you gonna do with that?" You asked

Warden shook the staff which triggered Pestbud to run over, Gruff did the same out of impulse.

"Hey! That staff is far from a toy!" You exclaimed

It really was, the staff was used to command dragons if The Bewilderbeast couldn't and it worked pretty well. You knew practically everything about dragons and how they'd react to certain things, the noises that staff made like clicks and rattles meant different things.

Rumpus walked over and grabbed the staff before Sailback took it and gave it back to you, Clawlifter immediately got up and ran over to receive pets for eating all the fish he had taken.

"How about we all settle down and just look around on the rocks." You shrugged

Gustnudger happily ran onto the rocks that were above the water, only the rocks above and rocks below to support it.

Gustnudger sat down before roaring which was to call Gruff over whom carefully stepped towards Gustnudger, obviously with the help of Pestbud whom sat beside the two.

Sailback sat to the left of Gustnudger while Clawlifter sat in the middle of both Rumpus and Sailback, Warden happily was stood on a part of the rock that was slanted using his sharp talons to stay on.

Cloudjumper and you were sat the farthest away to watch the dragons below run happily beside the Seashockers whom were swimming.

The dragons in the sanctuary functioned as a pack or family, despite being different species or hating another species instinctively they still acted and protected each other. The dragons in the sanctuary would mourn losses together and mourn newcomers that were abused by trappers or Drago himself.

Clawlifter roared happily as the Seashockers began to hop out of the water whilst making their way towards where the Gronckles were drinking.

Cloudjumper curled his tail around you calmly and continued to watch, all dragons in the sanctuary loved the Seashockers and what they did for every dragon there.

You noticed that the sky was getting darker, somehow the dragons you were with got tired way before The Bewilderbeast called lights out. 

"See you!" You exclaimed

All 6 dragons flew their separate ways while Gruff ran off somewhere, Gruff didn't fly around often due to his sight issue.

"Guess its just us now." You said

Cloudjumper roared quietly in response before staring at the leftover fish, both you and him were surprised that Clawlifter didn't finish everything when he had the chance.

"You can have some, Clawlifter seemed to have forgotten about it." You stated

Cloudjumper grabbed a mouthful of fish and gulped it down before tossing you a piece of cooked fish which you thanked him for.

You set the fish down since you weren't all that hungry before you set your staff down.

"We should probably go see if the Seashocker is finished, we have patrol tomorrow." You said

Cloudjumper roared softly before lowering himself so that you could get on which you did.

He flew off the ground and immediately dived towards where the Seashocker was.

You got off Cloudjumper and kneeled down to the Seashocker who had your armour near one head and your regular clothes near the other head.

The left head roared before the right head did the same and that was when the Seashocker began to try and catch up with the pod.

"Let's head back before The Alpha falls asleep." You said

The Bewilderbeast roared and dragons began flying to their usual resting places.

Cloudjumper landed so you got off your dragon and set down the clothes where it usually was, you'd need your armour for patrol tomorrow so you were lucky to get an available Seashocker.

You placed your staff neatly on the ground before Cloudjumper extended a wing which you happily took.

He raised you into the air and once you were secure he folded his wing to block out the light.

Cloudjumper roared quietly at you before resting his head next to yours, Cloudjumper seemed to be pretty excited about finally going to sleep for the day and you didn't blame him.

Cloudjumper had fallen asleep before you which left you to try and fall asleep too which wasn't a hard task.

You had fallen asleep within minutes of Cloudjumper falling asleep, you didn't want to be tired and unwell the next day so sleep was something that you made sure you got.

You also made sure that all the other dragons in the sanctuary got enough sleep including the Seashockers and Cloudjumper.

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