Chapter 2

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// I miss heaven

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// I miss heaven...

You stare at the mirror shocked. This thing infront of you, just insulted you and compliment you at the same time.

"Rude... but thanks.." you say as you walk down walk towards Crowley. It was now this unknown student turn. "Thy name" the mirror asked "im Yuu" he say. After he say his name the mirror say the same thing. But he added some hush word too.

"there's no way, the black carriage would pick up a human with no magic! Especially two of them. In 100 years, there has not been any mistake, why in the world..." Just as Crowley was talking Grim interrupt him "Then I'll replace them! I'm way better then an useless magicless human!" Grim say.

"I'll show you!" Grim say as you smile at his silly actions. "Everyone, take cover!" Red hair say as you almost get hit by fire. As someone pull you to the ground, you nearly got caught on fire.

"Uwa! hot, hot, hot, the fire got to my butt!" a white hair man say, as you walk toward him. "If this keep up the academy will turn into, sea of fire!" Crowley say. As you took off your jacket and help the poor boy. "Thanks for helping me" he say as you in return smile back at him.

"Someone stop that raccoon!" Crowley say as you walk towards Grim. "Tch... how tiresome..." A man with lion ears says. "Oh? isn't hunting your speciality? isn't it a plump, fat, ideal dessert?" A handsome man say "Why must I? you do it" lion ears reply.

Before anyone else would respond you shut them up. "Quite, I am going to stop great Grim?" you say more like questioning.  "What can a magicless girl/boy like you can do?" A boy with glass asked "I'll just try my best to calm him down. He's not hostile" you say as you smile "The one they called not hostile are the dangerous one" The glass male say as he smirk as he push up his glass.

You decide to approach Grim who was blowing blue fire everywhere, lucky for you Grim was shooting fire aimlessly while closing his eyes  "Wait no don't go. If you die I'll get sue!" Crowley say as everyone look at him "Don't come near human!" Grim warn you as you face him fearlessly. "See even a mere human can do a simple test, while you are here watching what kind of lion even are you?" The handsome male asked the lion who look bother and annoyed "Shut up it's not like you are doing anything either" The lion guy say as he chuckled.

"I say go away!" grim say as he blow a big blue fire. Towards you as you dotch it and run towards him. Hugging him. his head was on your chest as you cover his mouth.

"Mhhhm!" Grim try to struggle as you gently pat his head with a smile. "Problem solve" the lion ears say as he yawn "Go to sleep or relax it's all your choice" you say your tone was gently and smoothly. It was like a lullaby "Ah, even a magicless girl/boy can solve that. And you call yourself a king?" the handsome boy  asked as he look at the lion ears boy. "Are you sure you don't have magic?" the boy you help out say, as he help you stand back up. "As far as I know, I'm just a human" you say with a smile.

"That was quite the show" glass man say as he smile. "That was... quite the charm, the cat is asleep too..." a voice from a tablet say "Mr. Crowley, please do not kick Grim out. He was just out his mind and do thing he would never do, if he was normal?" you say not sure about your own word.

"My, my, what a kind soul. But sorry to say I'll have to return all of you back" Crowley say as you look at Grim who was sleeping peacefully. "Oh, then it's ok" you say with a smile.

"The law of the queen of hearts, no 23; one must not bring cat into festival venues" red hair say as you look at him dumbfounded "Well if the cat can be put under control, then it's fine" you say as you happily smile at him "That's still breaking the rules!" he kind of scream at you.

"As the rule of the (Something). Number 1; one must not yell at someone for no reason at all" you say back "And rule of the (Something). Number 2; if someone talk to you nicely you must talk to them nicely too. Unless you hate them, but I'm new and you have no reason to hate me...yet" you say speaking facts as someone chuckled out loud.

"Seem like the red younger master, got play on his own game" lion ears say "And sorry if that sound weird" you say with a nervous smile. "She really is something else" a voice say.

"Bye then" you say Crowley have told you to put your hand on the mirror and think of your land. "The mirror of darkness! Guide this one to the place they belong!" Crowley say as the mirror went quite as he fake coughed. "One... more time.." Crowley say.

"Mirror of darkness guide this one-" "No where" the mirror say as you sigh. "This can't be true..." Crowley say "The place where this one belongs.... is nowhere in this world... it is nothing" mirror say.

The headmaster panic. What was he going to do, he didn't want to really take care of two child and a chaotic raccoon. As he asked yuu where he was from, and asked you. "You two are from the same place, how am I going to do this" Crowley say "So we can't go home?" you asked him "Unfortunately yes" he say "But as the headmaster of night Raven college. I'll do my best and bring you back to your own land" he say as you smile as you clap your hand.

You and yuu and let's not forget about the headmaster plus grim. Went to the library, Crowley was talking to you about something. He asked you if you really were magicless and you answered him honestly and say yes.

"Oh yeah, while I was watching you take care of Grim. I see your eyes shining bring, it was... how do I say this..." Yuu say as he put his hand on his head "Yeah! it look  Warm, and it was like comforting me, when I looking into your eyes. And your aura was attracting me" Yuu said as you chuckled what kind of nonsense is this guy spitting?.

"Really, it was too bright I couldn't see a thing" Crowley say as the three of you arrive at the library. "I didn't even see any bring light" you say as you sigh with a warm smile.

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