Chapter 14

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Fortunately for you... Vil was kind enough to touch you and patch you up, he did lecture you and all but you couldn't care much... He was mad about the fact that you got a scratch in your face, and if he caught you fighting again... He'll help the other side and beat you up himself. He wonder why you would even pick a fight you couldn't clearly win for a sake of random people...

"Never ever be a dumbass and fight again" he say his arm folded as he glare at you "You almost ruin your face" he say as you were starting to get uncomfortable... "War scar i guess?" You say clearly not taking this seriously, "Y/n.... Promise me... You'll never fight again?" He ask you "i can't promise you that" you say innocently "ok... Fine, if i see you get in a fight again... I'll used my magic on you" he say with a scolding look in his face, "What kind of Magic?" You ask curious enough to even talk... "The type that will rot your bone off so you'll never be able to fight again" he say in a threating tone. He treat you like you are in his dorm... "I can use my teeth to fight back" you say with a dumbass smirk as he flicker your forehead not too hard. "I'll make sure all your teeth fall off painfully" he say as he look serious as hell.

"Why do you care so much huh? Im not even in your dorm yet you care alot about me to the point where you'll harm me... So, i won't fight?" You ask him curious as he only chuckled slightly "I can't just let your beautiful face slip away... Before i took you in, you were utterly boring to look at... Now that you are under my control you look way better" he say, you have no idea if he's insulting you or complementing you.

"I feel i insulted and Praise at the same time..." You say confused as he sigh heavily, "Oh dear... Look at the time already late... Get out" he say in the most inoffensive way. You stood up and walk towards the door as you open it, he push you out gently yet quickly he act like he doesn't like seeing you at all.

[🌼] Time skip.

"Anything happens?" You ask your little group as they look and act quiet... As the silence was getting louder, a flash of light flicker from your point of view, it was weird... A very light emit from out of no where as the others seems to not have seen it.

"Ace eat riddle tart" Deuce finally broke the silence. "So?" You ask confused on why Ace eating a tart is a big news. "Riddle got mad and put a collar on him again..." He continued as you look at Ace who was sitting zoning out, Yuu was sitting on the other side with grim eating peacefully. "How much did be eat?" You ask him, "one slice, only" Ace say as he sigh his hand on his cheek as he supports his head with his arm mascular.

"Riddle... Who even is Riddle?" You ask confused as you look at Deuce and Ace, "I am Riddle" a strict and in a cold tone he answered "Oh! It's you! Red angry bird" you say with an excited look as be look disgusted of you, "And you're the.... Student who wasn't invited here" be say with a smile mean smile, "I was kidnapped... Against my own will..." You say with a smile that look more mocking than ever.

"As i have been thinking lf i should forgive you... But i changed my mind, seeing you hanging out with such bad influence reminds me on why i need to add more rules..." Riddle say ad he glare at you, he was calling you a bad influence when you haven't been anything but nice how dare he! "Excuse me? You dare speak in such way that i remember you have no manner... Even if im a bad influence Ace shouldn't suffer more because of me!" You say as you stand up and raise your voice a bit. You were piss once again, Ace and Deuce look scared... Deuce was whispering to you telling you to calm down while Ace sit there quietly.

"Well said... But... In order to prove that you are indeed a good influence for my student's... You shall prove yourself" Riddle say in a tone full of respect and disrespect, "alright bet! I'll prove myself one way or another" you say with a confident smile, a smile that look so cute that you can't deny to it at all. "Like the confidence... For three day you'll accompany... I will put you through hard test... Let's see if you are really that good" he say...

A/n - Lmao... Chapter have been so boring... Anyway who is ready for Riddle chapter?!.

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