Chapter 13

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-------Late night visitor

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-------Late night visitor.

[🌼] Time skip.

It was late at night you were still up and Yuu and Grim were sleeping on the other side of the room. You manage to break open this one door and there was this couch you could sleep on. Instead of yknow sleeping on the same bed that is very small... It's annoying. You are currently reading a book you borrow from the Library. It was a book about knowledge and you were learning to! Quite weird for you to study this late. You were writing down important points and stuff, when suddenly the you could hear knocking.

You just sit there and continue to study, you have no reason to waste your energy on walking and welcoming someone this late. Yuu can do it he's a good boy, as you continue to write you could hear Ace voice, what is he doing here this late. Maybe Yuu and Ace are....

Your eyes went wide as you imagine all the things you could even imagine. You roll your eyes as you chuckled, "Someone is in love" you say as you look out the widow and stare at the Start.

"Where's Y/n?" Ace ask Yuu as Yuu rub his eyes, "In their room" Yuu say as he lean against the wall, "So you two don't share room?" Ace ask Yuu as he nod too sleepy to even talk, "Than... Imma sleep in their room" Ace say as Yuu eyes went wide as he look like he just see a ghost. "No can do" Yuu say as he stop Ace from going up the stairs. "Why... Are you their mom?" Ace ask "sleep on the couch or leave" Yuu offers.

{ In the morning }

"Wake up" you say as you poke Ace face but he seem like he's in a deep sleep. Than all of a sudden someone bang on the door... Very aggressively. "Coming... Chill no need to harass the door" you say as you open the door as you see Deuce, "eh... Well hello? Need anything?" You ask him as he look at Ace and back at you, "Im here to talk with Ace" Deuce say as you let him in, "Oh Deuce... If anyone ask where i am just say that i left for class already" you say as you walk out the door not wanting to interfere with their business.

You were walking down the street of Nigh Raven Collage, when suddenly you bump into someone accidentally. "Sorry" you say as you look at the person nervously, "oh? You're the new student from another world right?" A cute little boy with blue hair ask you, "i indeed am! What's your name Little one? Aren't you too young to be in here?" You ask him as he nod his head yes. "I am indeed very young to be here... My name is Ortho and no need to introduce yourself... You're y/n" the boy say with a smile.

"You're very smart ortho" you complement him "Anyway I'll have to cut our conver-" "What a sore loser" your talking was cut short by a loud splash soud of water. As Ortho eyes went wide "Thats my big brother! I have to go!" He say as he run towards the sound quite fast, since you were curious you decide to follow after him.

When you arrive there, you see Ortho trying to defend an older male with blue hair... But his hair was wet and there is two big students one holding a bucket.

"Don't hurt my big brother!" Ortho warn them.

As one of the student laugh and raise his hand pretending that he was going to hit him.

"Don't touch him!" you warn them as you lauch at the guy who was raising his hand. You were literally beating him up in a way punching, scratching, pulling his long ass hair and more. You were like a hungry beast brutally killing it's prey, as the other guy try to pick you up... You bite him hard on the arm as he scream, he pull you by the hair and throw you against a wall. You cough some blood out tho. "Big sister!" Ortho look at you he look scared, as you slowly get up. The guy for sure throw you hard, even tho it hurt so much to even walk you gather all your strength.

"Don't! Touch him!" You say again as the two big students laugh at your weak state. "Big sister... Please leave you're in serious need of medical help" Ortho say as ge look concerned for your health. "Look at you... You're just a beautiful stubborn magicless human... Who can't even fight" he say mockingly as he laugh as his friend laugh to.

Something in you trigger when they call you weak... You feel like you were boiling up, all of the pain suddenly disappeared. "Im not weak!" You say as you activate beast mode, "look at them acting all mighty" he say mockingly at you, you could feel something coming out from your nose probably blood. Dude is one heck of a strong guy, he literally pick you up and throw you against the wall. He might be Superman cousin or something.

"You're the weak one here! Picking on someone who you know can't fight back! What too scared that someone who is on your level will beat you?" You ask him trying to sound rude and mocking to them. You just didn't want them to hurt Ortho afterall he's a child. "If you're going to fight anyone! Fight me!" You say, as it took you a minute to process what you just say... Oh shit... Why did you say that...

"Oh... So you want us to fight you... With pleasure" he say with a smirk as your soul leave your body. "Nah... Im just joking!" You say as you chuckled, red match you alot... "Oh... Look like you're trying to run away? You're not going anywhere, you need to learn how to mind your own business" He say as you smile nervously...

"It seem like you can't go a day without getting in a fight..." Another voice say as you knew who exactly that voice belongs to. "Vil?" You say as you turn around to look at the person, it's indeed Vil! Your knight in shining Armor.

"Because im so nice I'll let you two go..." Vil say as he glare at the two guy, "What?! But... Hey atleast they deserve a punishment for hurting Ortho brother!" You say as you point at them, "Kindness should always come first" Vil say in a weird tone... It feel like he was forcing himself to say that. "You think we're scared of a guy like yo-" before he could finish talking an arrow land near his foot nearly hitting him. "If you value your life... Leave" Vil order them as they look very nervous, "Ugh! Let's go this people are insane!" The other one say as they leave.

A/n - sorry this chapter is quite boring.

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