Chapter 6

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// God favourite!

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// God favourite!

Ace is still alive somehow... You look at him quite surprised, but who wouldn't be? He just survived being crush by a cauldron impressive...

"Bhawaa! what a pot!?" Ace say while still being crush by the cauldron. You stare at Yuu who also look surprise, Yuu left hand was supporting the right one which was on his chin. While the guy who summoned the cauldron was looking around confused. Grim was being Grim.

"Bahaha! Look, Yuu, [NAME], look!" Grim said out your's and Yuu name, Grim was jumping up and down as he point at Ace. Ace who was still on the ground roll his eyes, "That Ace guy got crushed beneath a giant cauldron! It squished him flat! Ha ha ha!" Grim said out as he laugh again he look like a child. That just see something coll and showing it to his parents.

"A cauldron?! I might have over done it..." The guy say as he frown while closing his eyes. You stated to approach Ace slowly, "Owwww! Why did you do that for?! You could just bang it all by yourself!" Ace say as you sigh. "There is no 'banging out' a hundred window!" Yuu say as he fold his arm while also closing his eyes. "You have to wash hundred windows?! What the hell did you do?" The guy who summoned the cauldron asked.

You stare at Ace who was staring at you too. But with puppy eyes as you sigh, you lift the cauldron with some struggle as Ace stood up. "I was just playing with the furball a little... Ok, and the statue of Queen of heart got a teeny bit charred. Sue me" Ace say while patting his uniform.

"Eh?! Who in their right mind would do that?! And its you're first day too? How could you get in such trouble?!" The guy asked as you chuckled "Not funny [NAME]" Ace told you as he playfully hit you.

"Oh shut up, and who are you?" Ace asked the guy as he smirk "My name is Deuce, Deuce Spade. Don't you remember your own classmate?" Deuce asked as he frown while closing his eyes. You sigh as Ace chuckled "You dont remember my name either" Ace say which was quite true "That's not the point. You should shrink an order from headmaster" Deuce say.

"Fine, fine, let's bang put the window already" Ace say as he turn back as he only see Yuu no Grim. "Eh...?" Ace look around but didn't found the furball, "Wait that's odd... Grim is too... Quite..." Yuu say as he looks around "Eh! Grim is gone!" Yuu say as he sigh.

"Ha ha ha ha! See ya sucker's!" Grim say as you all turn to him, he was also ditching you guys "Seriously!" You say as you're eyes went wide "You caught me so you could run away! Hey... Juice!" Ace say as he look at Deuce "My name isn't 'Juice' its Deuce, with a D!" Deuce told Ace.

"Can you two stop talking and try to catch him?" You asked the duo who stare back at you "Say the one who isn't even going to help" Ace say as Yuu sigh "Then well do it" Yuu say as he held your hand as he was about to walking away. "Ok ok, let the magical students do it" Ace say as him and Deuce chase after Grim, "Darn it! I better get prizes" Ace say as he used his magic, but Grim somehow dotch it. "I! Don't be so greedy I'm also here it's a We! Not I" Deuce remind as he also used his magic on Grim.

𝘼𝙩𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 // [Semi-Yandere] Twst  x readerWhere stories live. Discover now