Sex With An Ex

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"By the way, I'm moving out tomorrow."

I blink, letting the words sink in. That is not an announcement I expected to hear from my ex-girlfriend. Especially after we just had sex.

Sliding a hand over my face, I croak, "What? Why?"

Yuna casts me an exasperated glance as she jumps into her tight jeans. "Yeju, come on. We broke up almost a year ago." She searches for her bra in the mess of my room. "And I've been trying to move out all this time. You know that."

I swallow the bitter lump in my throat and dig my head into the pillow. Sure, we did break up, but I did not think much of it given that we still fuck every week. Accidentally. On a whim. Not on purpose, not really. I mean, how do you not fuck your ex when she lives next door in a two-bedroom apartment you rented together?

I guess that's why Yuna wanted to move out.

My gaze leaves her after she puts on a shirt. "Right. So where's your new place?"

"Right next door to Gabby and Harvey's, actually, just three streets down from here. One of their neighbors is moving out, and that landlord is looking for a new person to fill the lease. It's a three-bedroom, so I'll be living with two other random girls. They seem cool so far, but I'll have Gabby and Harvey next door, so it'll be good no matter what."

I set my jaw. Knowing that Yuna is moving not too far away somehow hurts a little more. She is still going to be in the same West Los Angeles area, at a similar distance from UCLA, but she'd rather live with a bunch of strangers than with me, her ex-girlfriend of a year. She'd rather live next to her besties that I introduced her to than next to me, the person who showed her around the school and the city when she first arrived.

"Okay, yeah. Have fun." I do not hide the bitterness in my tone.

Yuna sighs. Her pink hair is all neat and tied up now, a stark contrast to her wild sex hair just a few minutes ago.

"Don't be like this, Yeju. You know it's not sustainable to keep living together like this. We're broken up, but we keep"—she gestures wildly between us—"doing this. We're never gonna fully move on like this. And I want to move on. I want to find someone else, date other people without them getting scared off by you, or by our history, and- and find... true love. Don't you too?"

True love. Yuna's always going on and on about that. But love is not a concept I believe in anymore. Not after I spent the entire summer watching my parents break off their thirty-year relationship.

My eyes flutter as the memories begin to surge. My mother's tear-stained face. My father's distraught expression as he tried to explain himself. The three girls, slightly younger than me, sitting at the cafe. One of them crying into the arms of another, while the last girl just stared at me. Just sat there and fucking stared at me with her bright, round eyes, as my parents screamed at each other.

"How could you keep this from me for twenty years?"

I close my eyes and shake my mother's voice off. I have had enough of this drama. Fuck true love. Nothing lasts forever. There's nobody out there good enough to have your heart break so much for.

"Not really," I deadpan. "I just need someone to fuck."

"You don't believe that."

"I do. And I'm too busy for a relationship anyway. Gotta finish up this Ph.D. program and all."

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