Second Prank

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The cold morning air of Scottish September could wake up a sleeping dragon. Running was the only thing keeping me warm, regardless of what I was wearing. There was one route I liked in particular. It lead to a massive tree that had a twisted trunk. It was close to the Forbidden Forest and therefore, always quiet and private. The twisted trunk made it perfect for stretching. You wouldn't have to worry about your leg slipping.

Working out before classes made me awake for the whole day, opposite to the most sleepy students. Even at breakfast, they could easily take a nap with their plate for a pillow.

Evangeline and Samantha joined me at the Gryffindor table, both of them in front of me.

''Are you alright, Eve?'' I asked the blonde.

When she did not reply after a few seconds, the half Asian took the initiative to answer. ''Adrian was an arse last night. He was arguing with the Prefect because he didn't get Prefect and then snapped at Evangeline because it was easy.''

''Well, that is unlike him.'' I said. ''He is a bit of a crackhead sometimes, but it's the first time he did that, isn't it?''

''Yeah.'' The blonde scoffed. ''But I'm still annoyed. He hasn't apologised yet.'' Her anger made her Scottish accent even heavier. Speak of the devil and he walked in the Great Hall. Before Evangeline could turn around at the motion of my head, her boyfriend had sat down with an arm around her shoulder. ''I believe you know what happened.'' He told us in a low tone. ''I want to apologise. I felt like an idiot last night, but I thought you'd be asleep at that time and I didn't see you in the Common Room this morning. I want to say I'm sorry for snapping at you, I don't know why I did that.''

Samantha and I left the couple to talk. Evangeline didn't seem very well. Not far away, on the Hufflepuff table, sat my sister with her friends and so we decided to sit with them.

''Hi, sissy.'' I greeted. ''Nice earrings.''

''Thanks.'' Diana beamed. Every year she got more and more beautiful. She was a dream girl for the lads of her year. ''What's wrong and you brought your plates?''

With a brief description breakfast kept going until it was time for class. A new DADA teacher came this year too. A middle aged woman who looked so much chiller than any other professor. She made a great first impression. ''Good morning, students. I am professor White, it's nice to meet you.'' She said once everyone was sat. She had a nice smile that was filled with excitement for work. ''I hope we'll get along with no pranks like I've been told you like to throw.'' Looking at the pranksters, she gave a warning look. ''I will try to make the lessons as pleasant as possible so there's no need for extra help. Am I clear?''

Everyone liked this teacher already. One thing about her, though. She didn't seem to care for some unwritten rules; like the students at the back of the classroom sat there so they would not get picked. Samantha had one long year ahead of her... and the company of handsome Pablo Edwards.

Evangeline was very happy about that for our friend. ''He is interested in you!'' She was saying to her all the time. ''Maya, you've been single since fourth year. Go get a boyfriend too!'' Because one happiness in the group was not enough.

''Like seriously you two!'' The blonde continued one time after DADA class. ''You are only studying about magical creatures.'' She said at Samantha. ''And you are always reading in general, you practise and then you go to bed.''

Samantha chuckled at that. ''Not all can date the same person for two years, Eve.''

''You haven't dated anyone, that's the point! And you, Maya, Aristotle was an immature prick; take a lot around and you'll find like seven lads ready for a kiss-kiss from you.''

''Aristotle is Adrian's best mate, you're not suppose to call him a prick.''

The blonde rolled her eyes as Samantha smiled awkwardly. ''Well, he was.''

''Yes, he was.'' Evangeline added. ''He is the only person Samantha was cursing in Japanese so people around wouldn't understand what she was saying. That says a lot! Now, get out... enjoy the sun... enjoy a walk at the Black Lake... the lips of Hufflepuff's Keeper.'' She said.

Out of the sudden, my feet could not get up from the floor, causing me to fall down. Immediately, I heard people laughing from behind us. ''Watch your feet, Hatstall.'' James snickered as two of his mates laughed.

Without chanting a spell, or getting my wand out, I undid the spell and got up. Some students around us had laughed as well, making me angrier. ''Are you okay?''

''Yeah. I'll see you at lunch.''

Before I could take a second step away, someone else asked me if I was okay. And it seemed like I would be having a chat with my ex.

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