Third Ravenclaw(Edited)

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Out of the sudden, my feet could not get up from the floor, causing me to fall down. Immediately, I heard people laughing from behind us. ''Watch your feet, Hatstall.'' James snickered as two of his mates laughed.

Without chanting a spell, or getting my wand out, I undid the spell and got up. Some students around us had laughed as well, making me angrier. ''Are you okay?''

''Yeah. I'll see you at lunch.''

Before I could take a second step away, someone else asked me if I was okay. And it seemed like I would be having a chat with my ex.

''Yeah, I'm fine.'' I told the skinny strawberry blond boy.

''Are you sure?''

''Yes.'' I replied, visibly done and waiting for the day to end, but after a few seconds, Aristotle decided he should start talking again. ''What class do you have now?''

''Potions. You?''

''Potions.'' He said, giving me a small smile. I remember he struggled with that subject. Aristotle was never the smartest Revenclaw, but he was definitely the most creative which made him brilliant in Alchemy, Charms and generally the part of academics, though not in human interactions. ''How is sixth year so far?'' He asked after some time that felt long, making me realise that he was just as awkward as me. ''It's... fine.'' I replied. The potions classroom was in the dungeons and I hoped we wouldn't spend the whole way there like this, but he had that look that people made when they wished the other person would say something more because they couldn't think of anything. ''I'm getting the homework done right away so I have plenty of free time. What about you?''

''It's alright.'' He casually said. ''I don't have a lot of free time. History of Magic needs a lot of research time and you know how I am with potions.''

''Well, they are difficult, especially this year.''

I focused in front of me, deciding to not glance at my side at Aristotle and at that moment I saw Black turning his head to Potter telling something quietly in his ear with a small motion of his head. It seemed like he was pointing at me, but I hoped he wasn't. Those four, or surely three, had too much nerve to talk sense into.

''It's not like you have to study a lot.'' Aristotle said, more casually than before. ''You don't even need to study for some lessons.''

I just shrugged. What does someone expect to hear as a reply for that? He just shut his mouth after it. ''How's your sister?'' He asked after a few seconds. ''Making friends, living the life... Normal third year things.''

''That's nice.'' The only nice thing was that we were at the last stairs to the dungeons and this awkward time would end.

Getting in the classroom, there were no chairs again, indicating that we would have to make a potion. Aristotle shyly stood next to me at the counter as the room was quickly filled with students roaming in it, bumping into each other a little. Ingrediets of different colours and sizes flew to every cauldron before everyone was settled somewhere. ''Alright students. I need your attention.'' Professor Slughorn said with his usual appreciated bright smile. ''Today we are going to make Amortentia. Usually it is a potion scheduled for the first lesson, but I think it fit better for a bit later. Perhaps some of you have read about it and would like to enlighten us?''

Despite the hands that were raised, Slughorn chose Lily Evans just like he always did.

'' Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. However, it doesn't create real love. It can create only a powerful infatuation.''

''Excellent, Ms. Evans!'' The Professor beamed at the exact description of the definition, giving ten points to our House for it.

Very soon we begun to make our potions, many hoping they would win some liquid luck. Everything was going great until it was time to cut the Sopophorous bean.

For a bean, it did not act like food, if it did it would have been cut. One and only one person made the potion, none other than Severus Snape, to the dismay of others. Once our professor saw that no one else could finish the potion, he laughed it off and dismissed us. Just when I was done packing my things, a small explosion happened in front of me and filled my cauldron with dirt and weird plants.

''Ms. Hatt, what is the cause of this?'' Professor Slughorn asked, not liking the laughter of the students around him. It was as obvious as it could be that he thought I didn't take the lesson of love potion seriously. ''I have no idea, sir.'' I replied as serious as I could sound.

''Ten points from Gryffindor for messing around in class.''

Several Gryffindor students huffed and whined but one loudly exclaimed a particularly rude ''What?'' and it was no other than Sirius Black who the professor barely glanced. ''Why do we all get punished?''

''Mr. Black, I suggest you go to your next class with a lower tone of voice.'' Sirius huffed in annoyence at what Slughorn said. ''Well done.'' He told me, in a lower tone.

''Oh, really, you'll put this on me?''

''You cost us ten points!''

''I didn't do this thing that cost us ten point.''

''Enough.'' Professor Slughorn exclaimed. ''Detention after dinner for the both of you.''

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