Fourteen Full Moons (Edited)

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Sirius' POV

It was a couple of hours before breakfast and Remus and I were in the Forbidden Forest to gather Moly flowers for Wiggenweld potion. Tonight would be the full moon and a healing potion as powerful as that would be helpful. I hoped Remus wouldn't be the one that would have to drink it. He was always one of the kindest people I've ever known and watching him suffer like that every month was a dreadful thing. Thankfully, with the potion we would make using the rest of the ingredients Peter and James sneaked out to get from Hogsmade, we could be more sure our werewolf friend would be alright. As alright as he could be, at least.

Turns out, something good came out from the detention I got from Slughorn. All these years, we had no idea Moly flowers grew in the Forest and were actually not that deep in the woods. They looked better at night, though. They looked like pearls under the moonlight. I understood why Maya lost track of time while gathering them. That detention, or whatever happened after it, had changed her a lot. She was talking back, standing up for herself and even jinxed Prongs.

'You're a big boy, you can do a counter-jinx yourself.' She had told me. She was so calm I thought she was bored. My mouth was hanging open from her response, but she didn't care. She just got her book out, like always and read. She didn't talk back to prove something to us, she wasn't doing it to see the reactions she had caused. She just did it. There was more into her that meets the eye, apparently. 'You're a big boy, you can do a counter-jinx yourself.' Those words were repeating in my head, impressing me every time. Never, all these years, have I ever heard someone say something like this in such a bored tone. It honestly made me chuckle sometimes. What had happen to the shy, quiet girl? Was she going to come back? Because I preferred the sassy one. Prongs on the other hand, not so much.

''Padfoot.'' My head shot up to see Moony's face frowning at me. ''Are you alright, mate? You dosed off.''

''Yeah.'' I shook my head and kept collecting the flowers. We haven't talked about Maya a lot the past few days. Since Friday, she was probably the most talked about person in school, but every time we would talk about her, Prongs' ego would come to the surface and he would talk on his own about how much she was annoying him with her comebacks and pranks, which were pretty good. Everyone was talking about her change. She was in the shadows since year one and now she was that confident girl with the shinny forest green eyes that clearly hid something. I didn't know if anyone else in school had seen that, but keeping Remus' lycanthropy and our animagi identities secret for so long, all the Marauders had learnt when someone is hiding something. Maya definitely was and I was wondering what she was hiding like crazy. It was like she grew older overnight. You could see it in her eyes.

We headed back to the castle in silence to make sure we wouldn't get any centaur's attention. ''Stop.'' Remus whispered. I turned my head to where he was looking and saw Maya using a tree with a twisted trunk to support herself from trying to pull her leg to her head, quite successfully if I may add, that girl was flexible. Usually, the girls on the Quidditch team were the most athletic ones, but I doubt if they did something besides that. Maya looked already tired like she had been running full speed for miles, but that didn't stop her. Maybe she was more confident because she saw those changes in her body. No, it couldn't be it. She would have changed sooner if that was the case.

Remus and I quickly stooped as the Gryffindor girl started running to the Forest. We were waiting for her to reach the edges of the woods and turn around to run back to the castle, but instead, she went in the Forest. What was she thinking? She was alone in the Forbidden Forest, that was dangerous. ''What is that girl doing here?'' I asked no one in particular, but at the same time would love an answer.

''That's Maya.''

''I know that, Remus, I could tell it was her. I meant why is she in the Forest?''

''Maybe she wants something. Like we came for the Moly flowers.'' Remus was right, she may needed something. ''It isn't safe, though. Especially not alone.''

Remus was right again. What if she needed help and no one could hear her screams. Coming in the Forbidden Forest is not something smart. I almost shook my head at the girl's stupid decision. ''I'll go keep an eye on her.'' Moony looked unsure about me going to the Forest, but he knew too that you can't just leave someone in these woods so he reluctantly nodded. I turned into the big, black, shaggy dog that was my animagus form and run to where Maya had gone. She wasn't very deep in the Forest, but at a safe distance to not be seen from outside. She had stopped running to do some stretches to calm her breathing down. At least I had something to see from behind the bushes I was hiding. I was careful to make no noise, but she must have felt someone staring at her because she looked around. When her head turned near to the direction I was, I saw that she felt no fear. Anyone that was looking around for something in this Forest had even the tinniest of fear in their eyes. Maya's eyes were just focused on finding any kind of movement and I soon learned why. She put her hand in the pocket of her blue sports jacket and got something tiny out of it.

''Engorgio.'' I heard her say and a sword was in her hand. I gasped. That tiny thing was a sword which now wasn't tiny anymore. The next moment she started swinging the weapon in the air before she got her wand out and created a metal opponent with his own sword. The two weapons hit each other and made me gasp louder than before and it was loud enough for Maya to hear me. She turned her head and saw me. My eyes instinctively widened and my whole body tensed. The girl in front of me made her opponent disappear and got her wand in a pocket at the inside of her jacket. ''Don't worry, puppy.'' She smiled and walked towards me with her hand extended. ''I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just training.'' I smelled her hand to make it look like I was a real dog and let her caress my head. She was good at that. She didn't look threatening at all, even with a sword in her hand which she seemed to be comfortable with.

What was going on with that girl? I knew she changed, but what did she need a sword for? What are wands there for? It may was just a hobby of hers. We have been taught in a Muggle Studies lesson once about those sports called 'martial arts'. Maybe she used those sports to exercise, she did look pretty tired from swinging that sword.

A branch breaking was heard close to us, making both Maya and me turn to look at that direction. I took a sharp inhale as I saw two centaurs not very far away from us. Maya stood up and I took a couple of steps to get in front of her in case I had to protect her. "Good morning." She greeted happily from behind me, hoping that could make the centaurs not attack her. I was ready to growl at them when one of them greeted her back.

"Good morning, Maya." I froze. He knew her? Apparently, he did, but no one knew the centaurs, they weren't friendly. Only Hagrid was safe from them. The centaurs eyes landed on me and mine widened, not expecting this. "Is this your dog?"

"No, he just came here. He must be living in the Forest." She said as she gave me a smile and extended her hand to caress the fur on my head again. After that, she made her sword tiny again and got another tiny thing from her pocket. "Engorgio." A bow along with arrows in their case were now in the brunette's hands. Some kind of lesson began and I was just standing there, not being sure what to think. I could never even imagine this. About half an hour later, the lesson ended and my housemate started walking with the centaurs in the woods to help them collect food from trees and bushes. That girl was friends with centaurs.

Maya said goodbye to the centaurs happier than she said it to her friends the past few days. I was still trying to figure out what had happened as I watched the brunette girl running to the castle. I turned into my human self once I was sure no one was around.

I was still surprised from what I had seen in the Forest when I reached the Common Room. Should I tell my mates about what I saw? Maybe I should.

The rest of the Marauders were already in our dorm when I got in, sorting the ingredients for the potion. ''What was Sorting doing in the Forest?'' Prongs asked once I had closed the door behind me.

''She was training with a sword.'' The three boys were staring at me with wide eyes, not saying anything. ''She had a sword and was swinging it in the air and then created a metal opponent with a sword.'' I explained.

''A sword?'' James repeated and I nodded.

''She was training. And then centaurs came to teach her how to shoot arrows and she helped them to find food before she came back to the castle."

James was the most surprised one. ''What is going on with that girl?''

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