Five humans (Edited)

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The next day, I put my black sports clothes on and went for my morning run towards my favourite tree with the twisted trunk as usual. Like I did all the previous times, I stretched so I could calm my breath before running back to the castle. Something weird happened that day, though. As I had my hand on the tree to support my balance from pulling my leg up, I felt it unravel. I stepped back in shock as I watched the trunk untwist into a triangle door-like craft. I glanced around me, trying to find the person that caused this, but no one was in sight. It was still early, I didn't know anyone who would be up yet to do something like that. Why would they do something like that anyway? I observed the tree, trying to find anything that could help me, but there wasn't anything. It was exactly like it was before only, unravelled.

I took a step closer to it, facing upwards to see better the spot where the angle that was forming the triangle door-like craft was. I took more, small steps closer to the tree, observing every inch of it. At a point I was exactly under the tree, but as I took one more step to the other side of it, it disappeared. It disappeared completely and behind me, were not the Hogwarts grounds. It was a forest with many, tall trees and other plants like grass and bushes. I rotated around myself and saw nothing but that forest, without even a clue of my favourite tree which I would love to see at that moment. It was like it had never been there. I started freaking out. Where was I? How did I get there? How did this happen? I tried to calm myself down and find someone around, but again, no one was there. I had to give it a shot, though.

''Is anybody there?'' I said out loud, hoping whoever pulled that prank would answer, but there was no response. ''This isn't funny.'' I said, panicking again. As the seconds were passing by, I knew I would have to find a way to get back myself. I bet whoever did this, was laughing their lungs out. I began walking down a path, hoping I would find someone, for a couple of minutes before I thought my saviour plan. I was sixteen, so doing magic outside Hogwarts was not allowed. Therefore, if cast a spell, the Ministry would know where I was and if it was the right spell, they would realise I was lost. I got my wand out of the inside pocket of my sports jacket and tried to think of a spell. Then, I found the perfect one. I picked a small rock from the ground and pointed my wand at it. ''Avenseguim.'' I said and waited for the little rock to fly a couple of circles around my head to get my attention and act like the tracking device I charmed it to be, showing me the way back to Hogwarts. That way, I thought, soon or later, someone from the Ministry would come and help me. Three seconds had passed since I cast the spell and I was smilingly staring at the rock in my hand like an idiot. Like a complete idiot. My smile dropped and I tried again. ''Avenseguim.'' Nothing. ''Avenseguim.'' Nothing again.

Where, in the name of Godric, was I and a tracking spell to Hogwarts didn't work? That charm works even when you're in a different continent, so why didn't it? I tried to think of spells that could limit the use of that charm. Maybe it was some kind of barrier, like the anti-apparition barrier that doesn't allow you to apparate when your in it. I searched every piece of my memory and couldn't even remember reading about something that could block that charm. I took a sharp inhale at that thought. I was officially lost and had no idea how to head back. I tried the tracking charm on other objects for other places, like my home and several shops in Hogsmade and Diagon Alley, without avail. I, then levitated some rocks and waited patiently for anyone from the Ministry to come and find me, but no one came.

I accepted my faith and felt tears in my eyes. How would I go back now? What would happen? The only thing I had was my wand and if something happened to it, I wouldn't be able to do a lot of things. Sure, I could do wandless magic, but I still needed practise. I took a deep breath and began walking down a path, hoping it was the right one. What else could I do? The only thing I could see around was forest.

Magic(Mar.EraxNarnia)[Sirius Black]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora