Lost, but I want to eat rice

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The city was bustling with other people who I don't bother to sonder about.

The annoying blue hedgehog and the boring blonde boy was gone.

I didn't know where I was anymore.

       I walked down the stone flooring, people looked at me, so I looked at them, I bore into their eyes but they all looked away before I could. I looked around me, there were huge screens on dull buildings of glass and concrete, some had light shining through while others didn't. I looked at one screen, it supposedly showed the time, 6:00pm. I don't know if that's early or late.

Suddenly, I hear a grumble.

I look around, but there's nothing, only people.

I hear it again.

      I look down, it seems to be coming from my stomach. I'm hungry, so I enter what I guess to be a restaurant. Inside, a woman dressed in a suit and her hair in a ponytail looks at me, before she jumps, she then rushes over to me and brings me to a seat with a book called "menu" I sit, she smiles at me stiffly. I open the menu and look at it, I haven't eaten in awhile, and I don't really think I need to, but a certain dish catches my eye, "Rice." I look up at the awkward waitress and point to it. "Just this," She looks at me in shock, Is rice an unpopular dish?

       The waitress leaves, I look around at the restaurant, the ceiling is black with a hanging light, the walls are dark brown, the chair I'm sitting on is black and cushioned, the chairs are also too tall for me to see the next table without peeking my head out, I lie my head against the wooden table. The waitress took the menu away, so I have nothing to do, until Mass.io suddenly pops out of the bracelet.

"Ooh, this is a nice restaurant! What did you order?" It asks me.

"Rice," I reply.

Mass takes a moment to look at me in disbelief, is rice a bad dish?

       "..I was going to teach you how to pay for food, but in this type of restaurant, rice is probably free..." Mass says to me, judgmentally. Is rice really so bad they made it free? Then why do they still sell it? Mass turns back to me, his face still judging me, "But, if ya do need to pay for something in the future, just tap your bracelet and think about the amount you need, then it will produce that amount," I nod, It will be my first time using money, I'm excited.

I can only remember a few things about money in my childhood, my mother refusing to buy me toys or candy because she didn't have money.

I wish to meet her once more, then maybe with this bracelet I can give her money she didn't have before.

Would that change the sad smile she had while saying no to me?

Does she still remember me?

Will she recognize me?

Will I recognize her?

        My thoughts stopped when the waitress came back, with a bowl of "rice". Mass was gone, probably back into the bracelet, I guess rice really did disgust it. I took a spoon and used it to take some rice into my mouth.

It was the best thing I have ever tasted in my life, I think.

I took another scoop.

Then another.

Then another.

         Before I knew it the bowl was empty. Now I'm sad, the rice is gone. I got up solemnly from the table, the waitress rushed over with a paper on a plate, I had to pay 500 yen. A coin comes out from the bracelet onto the plate, as I leave the waitress sees me out.

I'm full now, but I'm still lost.

In order to get my freedom, I need to battle Free De La Hoya.

But I don't know where I am.

There aren't many people around like there were an hour ago.

So I wander off to a park.

         I sit next to a bey stadium, leaning against it. I hear birds chirping, and I see the sun setting. The houses around me have their lights still on, I wonder if they could see me, did they look at me the same way Mass did when I ate the rice? I wonder if the people in the houses liked rice. 

        Suddenly, I hear a voice, "Hey, why are you sitting there?" I turn my head, I see a girl, she had pale skin, long, straight pink hair with darker shaded stripes running through it, reaching her lower back. Wide, yellow eyes which you could see the top and bottom of the pupil, her iris was a plus sign. And she wore a loose, white, long sleeved shirt that looked comfortable, and a short black skirt. I could see her legs, she had black shoes, and an odd accessory on her head.

"What's that?" I point at the thing on her head.

"This?" The girl points to the accessory.

I nod, "It's.. headphones," She looks at me, sort of pitifully.

        "Anyways, my name is Jie, and you haven't answered my question yet," Jie smiles at me. I think, "I lost my..." Then I remember, I can ask her the way to BC Sol, "Do you know where BC Sol is?" I stand up, Jie is the same height as me. Jie blinks, before pulling out her bey.

"If ya wanna know where it is, you gotta battle me first!" She says, smiling.

I sigh.

          I pull out my own bey. Jie stares at it, "It's a nice one! But it's quite an old model huh?" She says, it feels like she's mocking me. I look at her bey, it's pink and grey, it seems like it's themed around lava, or something, I can't quite tell.

"Are you ready?!" Jie says dramatically, warming up her arm, honestly I don't want to battle her, but I do want to know where BC Sol is.

I sigh, I guess this is practice for my battle against Free.

         I ready my bey in my launcher, I look at Jie. "Standard rules, a survivor's finish and a ring-out finish gives 1 point, while a burst finish gives 2," She gets into an odd position.

Let my first battle outside of my coma,


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