Just warming up!

7 1 0

Author's note: I have no idea why I stopped writing...

I went to bed one night and just forgot.



The two unique looking tops spin, facing each other in a parallel clockwise motion.

Jie doesn't seem to concentrate on her own bey, however. She focuses more on mine.

"Hit it" I mumble, under my breath, my bey following the simple order.

It veers onto the edge of the stadium, before jumping up and striking the lava-like bey with the tip, sparks emitting from the impact. Huh, that's sorta dangerous though...

The pink bey gets flung away and hits the concrete, Jie has her hand in her hoodie pocket, slightly leaning over with a hand on her chin. She seems completely oblivious to the fact she lost, continuing to stare at the bey I am, spinning statically in the center.

"Wow, that was quick! I'm noo newbie either..." She says, in a ponder-like tone.

She peeks up at me, "What's it's name?"

"...My name..? It's Mei," I reply.

Jie laughs, "No, I mean your bey, silly!" she says as it stops spinning and tips over to it's side.

I look at her, confused, "What do you mean, why would I... name my bey???" I don't understand, why would it have a name?

She looks at me, slightly dumbfounded. Her mouth a little open, then I remember, "Oh you mean what I call it? Uhm... I think it was...Equity?" I try to recall.

Jie blinks at me, an awkward expression on her face, "Hm, I've never met someone who forgot the name of their bey..." she coughed, taking a few steps to pick up her own beyblade from the floor.

"Anywho, the score is 0-1, and we've still got one round to go," She reloads the beyblade into her launcher.

I do the same.

She begins the countdown again.




"Let it...!"

She tugs on the string.


And they fling off our launchers, this time, Jie seems to take more of an interest in her own bey.

"C'MON, ATTACK!" She yells, a bit too intense for a top spinner game, I think.

"Slide around it..." I mumble once more, it drifts around Jie's bey move, attempting to zip into mine in a zig zag motion.

Suddenly, Jie's bey seems to change it's mind, somehow switching it's direction as the wind-resistance hit's it. It seems there were holes in it for a reason...

The bey begins it chase once more, following after mine like a locked on missile.

"How do you like the latest model of beys! Pree-tay neat right?" She boasts, leaning back as-if she had won.

I don't care.

I tilt my head to the side, "Break it." I murmur, and Equity follows suit.

My bey stops it's motion, and Jie's takes the bate. It zooms into mine and my bey changes from stamina mode, into defense.

Beyblade: RestraintsWhere stories live. Discover now