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The entire gym stayed silent, even after Mei left.

No one dared to move.


Or even breathe.

Even when Phi was around, the breaks were never this quick, or clean cut.

Wakiya was the first to move, bending to pick up his bey.

Jet Wyvern Around Just 1D was broken.

A gasp came from his mouth. From the frame to the core, it was like it had been sliced by an obsidian knife.

Wakiya brought Wyvern to his face, tears running down his face.

But before anyone else could comfort him.

Wyvern suddenly started to crumble. From the frame, to the center to the core. Wyvern went from being split in half, to pellets of plastic in seconds. Wakiya stared in shock.

Valt Aoi moved first, placing a comforting hand on Wakiya's back, then looking at the destroyed Wyvern, a mix of purple, gold and green specks in his hand. It was like someone had stomped on the bey again and again and again with their heel in spite.

Rantaro moved next, doing the same as Valt.

Then everyone else, it was quite and solemn. Wakiya silently grieved the loss of his favourite toy.

It seems he has underestimated his competitor again.

Jie, however, slipped into a hallway. 

She clicked her gallery app, checking her videos folder. A short, 1 minute file kept as her most recent recording, having the thumbnail of Mei and Wakiya getting preparing their beyblades at two opposing sides of the clear arena.

In the darkness of the unlit passageway, she clicked play.

Reviewing the battle once more.

Beyblade: RestraintsWhere stories live. Discover now