Chapter 24

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After the walk with my grandfather, I decided that since I didn't die in the garden, I'll go shopping with my mother. 

Perhaps my past dreams were crawling to the surface. After years of watching my mother take my siblings out to the shops, buying out stores and coming back with different toys and clothes and treats. It was a lot for my little heart to take, watching from a far window in the west wing. 

"Hello Lady Jenova," I greeted, giving her my best curtesy. Today Rebecca dawned me in a light red, not quite pink, dress with red ribbons in my hair and a white mask that was tied by another red ribbon around my head. 

"Oh just call me mo-" she cut herself off, staring at me with saddened eyes, "Call me Jenova, enough with the 'Lady' or 'Miss.'" 

Holding back the urge to frown and grimace, I gave her my best polite smile and I nodded. Waiting for her to get into the carriage that was going to bring us into the more noble side of the city. I've never been, but I've seen plenty of carriages go over to that part of town. 

If felt like ages but we stood there like statues, waiting for one or the other to get on the carriage. 

My mother's personal maid and Rebecca stood awkwardly on the sidelines, giving each other brief glances in confusion. 

"Uh my lady," Rebecca stepped up, tapping my arm lightly and pointing in the carriage, "Young children get on the carriage first, your bench is there," she pointed, and held out her hand to help me in, making sure I was comfortable before backing up and letting Jenova enter. 

"Thank you, uh-" She paused, looking to Rebecca to get her name. 

"That's Rebecca," I spoke up, "My personal.... maid?" 

I didn't really know else to describe her. My nanny? My maid? My best and only friend? 

"Well, thank you Rebecca," Jenova nodded, getting on the bench across from me and giving me a bright smile, "I've arranged the boutique to give us a private dressing secession. A lady like you needs to have new dresses every season." 

I remained silent, smiling and nodded until it felt like my head was going to fall off. 

"We could get new jewelry and new shoes and new accessories oh and new -" she kept going on and on and on I thought she would lose her breath but she went on like that until the carriage stopped. "Oh we're here!" 

I felt like I was running on autopilot again. Just following Jenova into the store and being thrown into some sort of circular platform and a large measuring tape and being wrapping all around me. 

"Oh you are so thin," a lady with large glasses commented, "Perfect!" 

"You'll look so beautiful in blue," another woman commented, going for my head. "Oh we're going to have to move this." 

I didn't even have time to react before the ribbon behind my head and the mask was gone. A gasp emanated from one of the seamstresses and the one who took my mask dropped it to the floor. 

Everyone stood there, silent, staring. 

I didn't know what to do, but I felt like my stomach was twisting around my lungs. But I found myself couching down and putting my mask back on my face, making sure it lined up perfectly. I could feel Rebecca's presence come behind me and tie the ribbon back in place. 

But looking around the room, I could see the shock and discomfort on every single one of their faces until I saw my own mother. 

I couldn't really tell what expression was. Sadness? Anger? Regret? 

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