Chapter 44

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I never felt so embarrassed before.

All because of Harken who I have lost in the crowds. 

It turns out we are not "all about to leave" and everyone is still dancing and drinking though the dancing seems to turn from proper ballroom dancing to wild bar dancing in the single hour I wasn't here. 

I was still covering my face, trying to get over my nerves and emotions and trying to figure out where I should go. 

"Lara!" Yolanna suddenly appears in front of me with a big smile on her face. 

She was a bit flushed and panting probably from the alcohol and the wild dancing that seems to be going on, only to compose herself when she noticed the state I was in. 

"Are you okay?" She looked around, comfortingly wrapping her arm around my shoulder and moved me to a nearby empty parlor. Sitting me down on a nearby couch, she tugged at my arm, "May I?" 

This was the second person of the night to ask me that. 

Nodding, I moved my arm, avoiding eye contact with her, staring at the ground. I haven't felt like this in so long. This dread in the bottom of my stomach that slowing rises to the top. Like an erupting volcano. 

"Oh you scared me, I thought you're makeup was ruined," Yolanna sighed, shoving her hand in her pockets and pulled out a bunch of ribbons, "I couldn't decide so I grabbed a few," she sheepishly explained. 

"What is all of this for?" I asked, laughing at the shear amount. It was like one of those magicians with the long train of scarves. 

"Oh this is to pull more of your hair back," she explained, standing up and suddenly retied my hair, making sure my entire face was showing. 

"What?!" I jerked away from her, but she pulled me back gently enough to not hurt me. 

"You saved these people," she grumbled, "If they have something to say about your face they can say it to all of us." 

I laughed, feeling some sort of relief and joy wash over me as she braided and tied up my hair. 

"Where did you learn how to do hair?" I asked mindlessly, basking in the feeling of her nimble fingers. It felt therapeutic. 

"Let's just say I am 1 of 6 sisters." 


"Yup, I'm second to eldest," she chuckled, "And both my parents worked so it was up to me and my big sister to dress, feed, and do hair." 

"Wow," I tried to picture a larger and much smaller Yolanna's, running around and making up a lively household. I can picture big smiles, laughter, and just a big happy family. If I had that I would never want to leave home, which poses the question, "So why did you become an adventurer?" 

"Well," she sighed, "A mob of monsters attacked my village when I was 12, killing my mom and injuring my dad and big sis. So it was hard to make money given I don't have a formal education, my mom homeschooled all of us, and I was good at fighting. The air gods gifted me the Valkyrie armor after I defeated all those monsters. Though - " she chuckled humorlessly, "That armor probably would've saved my family if I had it before the attack." 

"So you became an adventurer to help them?" 

"Yeah, 90% of all my earnings go to them, 10% goes to me," she smiled, probably recalling her family. 

"You're amazing," I gaped, and she suddenly burst out laughing. 

"You remind me of my little sisters," she giggled, "They said the same thing to me." 

With a sudden "Ta Da!" she pulled away. 

Touching my hair delicately I could feel the intricate braiding and ribbons tied into them. I stood, going to the nearest mirror and my jaw fell open. 

My bangs were tied into larges braids that twisted and turned into a solid up-do that sat at the base of my head. With red bows on either side of my head, my hair looked like a mass of blueish-black bouquet of flowers. 

"You are amazing." 

"I know," she smirked, "Now let's go dance!" 

Before I could react she snatched my hand and we rushed back out to the ballroom where there was even more lively music playing and it felt like I was back in the guild. 

Various adventurers were drinking, singing, and jumping around which could be called dancing. 

Not a single noble was in sight, and when I looked around it seems the royal family has resigned themselves to just watching in amusement. 

"Come on!" Yolanna pulled me right to the center, releasing me to throw her hands up in the air and danced with a big smile on her face. "Can't you feel those vibrations?!" 

I couldn't. So I slipped off my gloves, shoving them in my pockets, and I raised my fingers like her, moving my fingers in the air like she was. I've never danced like this before, but I channeled into my air affinity, suddenly feeling like things were tugging and tickling my fingers. 

It immediately made me smile, like I was being lifted by my finger tips. And my hair stayed right in place. 

It felt freeing. 

I didn't even care for the eyes that fell on my face and scars and I could feel the biggest grim spread on my face. 

This is what a celebration should feel like. 

Spinning around I ran into Bazen who felt like he appeared out of thin air. He shared my big grin, and suddenly began doing a goofy wiggle with his arms and torso, attempting to dance in the fluid movements I was doing. 

I couldn't help but laugh at his large stature trying to do a playful dance. 

Moving a bit closer to him I felt his warmth emitting from him, adding to the sensation of the air and I felt like I was melting into the music. 

I have never felt so free. 

A/N: Happy New Year! 

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