Chapter 36

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Harken had only seen 1 other beast like this one. The Dragon of the North. 

One that awoken from deep in the mountains and started terrorizing his homeland. He lost so many people to that beast and it took everything in him to take it down. It was the reason he started wearing shoulder-high gloves outside of his home. 

The same reason Laraine wore a mask when she was little. 

When a fire user uses too much power, their mortal body begins to fail from the outside in. He was lucky it was able to keep his arms, but he couldn't feel anything after that day. That girl was the only thing that sparked feelings, a slight tingle in his otherwise dead fingers. 

Either way this dragon, in the past, was never slain. It basically took over this whole nation, and due to some backwards political bullshit, their allies never came to the rescue. This nation burned to the ground and the rat of Harken's nation just scavenged what was left. 

This time around, Laraine sparked inspiration. 

Delfone Fortunith, who typically strayed away from politics due to his old age, was the  trailblazer pushing for aid for their foreign allies. Due to his near-king-equivalent status of Grand Duke, almost no one opposed him. 

Of course there were some complications, which is why the nation's adventurers were called to action rather than the soldiers. 

Either way, they were here and facing their dooms. 

"Harken, what's the plan?" Folkner echoed Lara's question and Harken finally snapped out of his deep trance. 

"Reports said that this dragon exclusively breaths fire, I will go first from the front and you guys try to get it from the sides. Yolanna and Folkner you can try to take it from the rear-left and Lara and to the rear-right. Stay out of the bite range and try not to get too close to the tail. We have the element of surprise now if not, may the gods above save us all." 

"Great," Yolanna grumbled, in the middle of re-tying her long platinum blonde locks into a tight low bun. She slipped out a sliver feather that glistened in Lara's eye-lights and placed it in her mouth, swallowing it with a grimace. 

Seemingly sprouting from her chest, silver armor that seemed to be made of flowing silks began to drape themselves over her shoulders and over her curvy form. The chiffon material appeared to curve and fold into feather-like patterns with a distinct bird of prey fact right on her chest, its glaring eyes just over her bosom. A winged crown that framed her face sprouted out of her forehead, a helmet slowly forming over her delicate head. 

Valkyrie Armor. Gifted to air users who have done a great service to the gods. 

Folkner took that as his cue to also prepare himself, channeling the sand spirits that littered the area to make his body into stone. Extremely strong, durable, and near-indestructible stone. 

Lara appeared to be ready, just watched the others get ready in her simple fabric clothes and leather armor. 

Harken was similarly ready. If he channeled the spirits just right, his skin will melt and burn anything that came in contact with him. The downside is he'd be naked and if he was in armor he'd be a walking oven. 

"So wait for my signal and then we all attack at once. Ready?" He asked his team, getting uniform nods from everyone, "Let's go!" 

Like they had done this a hundred times they fanned out immediately, going to their designated positions and waited for Harken to 'give the signal.'

 Drawing his blade he felt all the heat go into it, turning it bright red until it resembled molten metal though it maintained it's pristine sharp form. 

Getting a running start he went to slice it's head off in one fell swoop, only for his blade to barely scratch the surface. 

"Oh sh-" He started, but before he could say anything loud booms could be heard from both sides of the dragon, a wall of glass shards and water tried to smash the dragon in, but it seemed to just jostle it awake. 

Harken managed to back up as it roared to life, its booming bellow shook him to his core. 

This dragon was as strong as the one in the North. 

Up close it's scales were in a repeating diamond pattern that look rough and unbreakable, and judging by the lack of damage Harken could barely make out from when it spun around to try and kill the attackers at its side, the scales were unbreakable. 

The dragon immediately turned his attention to Lara who's eyes were visible even from Harken's position, her sword was glistening in the slim rays of light. 

As if sensing her strength and threat, the dragon's chest began to expand and glow green then yellow then orange. 

"Laraine!" Harken screamed in horror, not noticing Folkner and Yolanna tried to regroup with him, witnesses in equal shock as the dragon's fire poured out right where the small figure of Lara once stood strong. 

The once dark crystal cave quickly turning blindingly bright. The intensity of the heat felt like they were standing right next to the sun, burning their eyes to the point where all of them - even a strong fire user like Harken - had to shield their faces in their arms, ignoring the sensation of their skin being burned. 

Or in Folkner's case his stone getting warm. 

"We need to get out of here!" Yolanna's voice was barely audible, but her armor sprouted large wings that were struggling to stay strong and she reached out to the men, grabbing their arms and pushing herself to pull both their weights back up the long tunnel back up where they stood barely 10 minutes ago. 

As soon as they breached the surface she dropped them, all three tumbled on the warm sand that felt rather cold compared to the heat they felt 100 feet below. 

Yolanna was barely conscious, letting the open air try and repair her armor and wounds but her burns had boils and her lungs felt like they were filled with molten lava. Her armor stood strong but it did nothing to protect her from temperatures. The air spirits were quick to try and relieve her discomfort, but air paled in comparison to the healing abilities of water. 

Folkner was in a similar boat, internally. He bore no external wounds but his eyes felt like they melted. He couldn't even open his eyes. 

Harken was relatively unscathed compared to his teammates, given he was built to withstand fire, but the intensity is what hurt him. It was the same feeling as when he sacrificed his arms. 

Except this was natural for a monster like a dragon. 

And Lara, Harken's whole soul dropped as he rushed to the edge of the crystal abyss, stumbling his way through the sand. 

It was like there was a light at the end of the tunnel, a light that only rested for what felt like an eternity before returning in full force. 

Lara was down there by herself. 

And if by some grace of the gods she was still alive, it seemed like this dragon was intent on cremating her alive. 

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