Chapter 47

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Arriving home, I felt a wave of dread and exhaustion wash over me when waiting for me was my dearest Rebecca, my amazing mentor Howell, and my immediate family. 

Rebecca looked like she was going to pass out, with wide eyes and a tight expression. She was standing quite close to Howell who looked very disinterested in everything happening, but I could tell he was holding her closest hand in his own. 

My parents were in front of them, also holding onto each other. My mother looked like she was bouncing in anticipation, but in reality she was just standing there with a stoic expression like my father who seemed like he had something on his mind. 

My brother and sister were surprisingly here too, standing beside my parents. 

My sister, my adorable 10 year old sister, had grown up into quite the little lady, standing patiently hand-in-hand with my brother, who's free hand was clenched into a tight fist. 

"Hello," I greeted awkwardly as I stepped out, the coat draped over my hands, and I pulled it close to my chest, feeling like it was covering up my nerves. 

I had looked an ancient dragon and death in the eyes and I am more terrified to see my family. 

"Welcome home Laraine!" My mother started, walking forward like she was going to give me a hug, but reacting to my step back, she too stepped back, "I'm so glad to see you're well." 

"Thank you," I did my proper curtesy despite my hands being full, proceeding to stand as tall as I can as my grandfather exited the carriage behind me, at the same time my father came up. 

"You..." my father began, his golden eyes swirled with more emotions than I thought possible in my father, "I'm so sorry," he bowed his head suddenly, shocking everyone who stood out here, "I'm so proud of you, but I believe I don't get the privilege to feel such a way about you." 

He stood so still, remaining where he was before I stepped out, "Laraine, I am so sorry." 

And before anyone could say anything he hurried back inside, quickly followed by my mother, leaving my siblings to stare, dumbfounded. 

Thresh was the first to break the silence, pulling our sister gently along to come up to me, "Delphonia, this is our sister Laraine," he properly introduced us, making me realize I have never actually had a real conversation with either. 

"Hi," she shyly greeted, staring at my new coat, probably just avoiding eye contact as she kept peaking through her lashes up at me. 

"She just came back from slaying a dragon," Thresh went on, almost sounding proud of me. 

"Really?!" Her head shot up, looking at me with such wonderment. 

"Truly," our grandfather came up behind me finally, placing a gentle hand on my shoulders, shockingly I was comforted by this gesture. 

"How big was it?! Was it scary?! How did you d-" 

"Laraine has just came back from her mission, she can tell you all about her adventures at dinner," my grandfather smiled nodding for me to walk into the manor, "Why don't you get some rest, Bell will let you know when dinner is ready." 

Nodding, I said my goodbyes to my family, trying not to make it obvious I was running away as I signaled for Rebecca and Howell to walk with me. Bell was quick to hand Howell my belongings, sending us off to recuperate. 

"That was...." Rebecca started as soon as we were alone, walking towards the West wing, "That's - uh - a  beautiful coat." 

"Yeah, grandfather gifted it to me," I held it out in front of me by the shoulders, finally slipping it on an immediately relished in the softness and immediate comfort, "Oh I could fall asleep standing up in this." 

"You have time to get a nap in before dinner," Rebecca chuckled at my behavior, "Is there anything in your belongings you'd like me to specially put away?" 

After several scares of severed monster parts, various vials of poisons and potions, and several miscellaneous cursed objects, Rebecca has gotten very cautious of my stuff.  

"Uh no just clothes in there," I pointed at the large suitcase, going to grab my large bag from Howell, "This I will take care of myself." 

"What's in it?" Howell asked, going to take a peak in it. 

"Some dragon teeth," I admitted. I wasn't supposed to take anything from the dragon's body, but after some convincing I was allowed to take such a precious material. There are so many experiments I want to do on these teeth. "And that's pretty much it." 

"Wow," Howell gaped with little to no emotion, but I know he's genuinely impressed. 

Nodding, I said my goodbyes to Howell and went to change into sleepwear to try to relax before a no-doubt stressful dinner. But after Rebecca left, I felt like I could run around the world and still not calm my pounding heart. 

In need of a distraction, I remembered the gift box in my disregarded clothes, going to it on the floor to the beautiful box Bazen gave me. 

So opening it now that I am in private, it was a very rare, very high quality, and very expensive communication amulet. It was a deep blue sapphire, one that arguably looks like my eyes, or an argument I am deluding myself from my tired mind. 

Like all communication gems, I tapped it in the middle, watching it blink on and off in a beautiful blue glow, signaling to me it was contacting someone. 

 And when a small beam sprouted about a foot in the air, and a familiar pair of ruby eyes glowing in happiness stared right at me. 

"I'm glad you made it home safely," he began, sheepishly smiling, "I'm embarrassed to admit I've been looking forward to you finally opening my gift." 

"You have been waiting for me?" I gasped, "I'm so sorry." 

"No, no," he assured me, waving his hand away like he was wafting away a bad smell, "I was just excited, unless you don't like it?" 

"No I love the gift," I smiled, admiring it as it glittered, "It's beautiful." 

"I'm glad," he sighed in relief, "I was afraid you'd think it was creepy." 

"Well," I paused, pondering it as I wandered back to my bed, sitting on it, briefly enjoying the plush feeling under me, "I can see how others may think it could be creepy, but I think it's endearing." 

"Really?!" His eyes widened, and I could almost see a glimmer of hope in his eyes. 

"We met so recently and we live so far apart, it's nice that you want to keep in touch." 

"We Mortal Guardians must stick together," he shrugged, "And don't tell the others but you're my favorite Guardian." 

"Thanks?" I didn't know if I should be flattered or confused but my tired brain was slowly fading away, and it seems that Bazen caught on. 

"Well it's nice to know the communicator works," he smiled, "But it's late, you should get some rest." 

"It looks like the middle of the day for you," I commented, finding my eyes droop. Talking with Bazen has significantly relaxed me. 

"It is," he laughed, "But you're tired, and I just want you to know that you can call me at any hour, day or night, and I will answer. And I live near a transporter and I will be with you in a second." 

"Thank you," I laughed along with him, "And I'll keep that in mind." 

I don't even now when I fell asleep, but I have never felt more relaxed in my whole life. 

The Lost Life of LaraineOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora