Chapter 25

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6 years later.

That day in the park was nice, a time I still think about. Just me and Harken, our laughter echoing in my mind.

Eventually Rebecca found me, followed by my mother who grabbed me roughly into what I want to say was a hug. Ever since then, I was once again left to my own devices in the west wing. Though Jenova would send over piles upon piles of gifts. Once in a while she would send a seamstress to retake my measurements as I grew.

In the meantime, I took the graduation exam and passed with a perfect score. The dean tried to convince me to pursue a higher education but I turned him down. With the support of Lord Delfone I was able to move on as an adventurer and now can go one level 2 missions.

On the topic of education, I was surprised for my 11th birthday with a Water Elementalist Expert. According to Lord Gerris, he will be my new mentor for mastering my element. Howell is still my sword instructor, but honestly going on various adventures and meeting new people and masters was so much more educational. Not that Howell wasn't a good teacher, he just had other duties.

Now I stand in the guild. The excitement and urge to go one more and more missions bubbling beneath my cool exterior.

"Oh you've grown up so much!" Flontina beamed as she scooped me up from under my armpits, doing a twirl that involved my legs flying up in the air. "I can't believe that this will be our last mission together."

6 years as an adventurer, I've traveled around the world with this team. I'm finally 16 and old enough to be on my own or another group seeing how the adults of our group were ready to retire.

"Tina you're going to hurt the poor girl," Parter chimed in, though as soon as Flontina set me down his hand latched onto my head in tender pats, "It was an honor fighting by your side Lara."

"I'm not leaving quite yet," I giggle, pushing his hand away from me. Unlike Harken, I wanted to stay with Parter, Flontina, and Kent for one more mission before we disband. Harken went off on his own forming his own adventurer's group.

Within a day he had over a hundred applicants from all the branches of the guild. But strangely he only accepted 2. He was holding a spot right for me. To which I agreed to after this last one. It was nice that my good friend Harken was still thinking of me.

We basically grew up together, so I guess it just makes sense.

"Yeah I know," Parter sighed, "I just want to make sure you are ready to be on your own."

"I won't be on my own," I tilt my head in confusion, "I'm joining Harken's party."

He frowned, "Right... Harken..."

What a strange reaction.

"Can I speak to you aside Lara?" Parter gestured to an isolated hall which I followed him to, a bit unsure what was about to happen, "I want you to reconsider joining Harken's party after this mission." 

"Why?" I frowned, I thought he'd be happy that I'm sticking with his son. 

Taking a deep breath, Parter suddenly patted my head again. "You're a good kid, you know? You're improved exponentially in terms of swordsmanship and magic, and it's shown. You're no longer a frozen piece of meat every time you use big spells." 

"Hey!" I pouted, but it changed to a big smile when Parter began chuckling. 

"And I don't want you to waste that talent on someone like my son," he finally removed his hand, a grim look in his eyes, "You have enough fame and skill to form your own group." 

It's true, I've made a name for myself within the guild. All without my family name. Sure I had the Great Winvestial's as my party members, but it was easy to be overshadowed by them, so I tried to shine the best I could. 

"You don't have to make a decision right now," Parter suddenly added, "I just want you to keep in mind that my son isn't as good as a person as he may seem." 

This conversation was really creeping me out, namely because Parter has never expressed such a negative opinion of his son before. Sure he critiques and disciplines his son like all parents, but never had outright told me or anyone his deeper thoughts regarding Harken. 

"Ok Parter," I nod, my mind feeling like it was drowning in my thoughts. 

I followed him back into the lobby where Kent and Flontina was getting our gear together to go through the portal. We're going overseas for our next mission and staying at the ambassy. 

Usually adventurers cannot use political buildings, but Parter does have a knight title and so does Kent, and that was noble enough for the ambassy. Of course it helped that both of them are considered war heroes. 

"Ready?" Flontina held her hand out to me, probably out of habit as she often held my hand when I was little when we went through teleports. Now I'm more used to the jarring motions and stomach-churning feelings, but still out of habit I took her hand. 

"Ready," I smiled up at her, making a mental note that I'm still the shortest out of all of them. 

I'm still growing, hopefully. 

Soon we were through the teleport pad and emerged in the ambassy where we were greeted by a whole welcome party. Filled with lavish foods, drinks, and people I don't know. 

We were here to slay a dragon that was terrorizing nearby villages, a stereotypical mission for adventurers. An exciting mission nonetheless considering out of the very few missions of slaying a dragon in all the adventurers guilds, only 1 was successful. And that's because it was a baby dragon. 

This one is an ancient dragon. 

It decimated the armies sent to combat the fiery beast, so now governments were turning to guilds across the land and now overseas where the Winvestial's picked it up. 

Oh right, I forgot to mention. 

Harken's new party is here too.

As well as several other parties, making a small army of adventurers.

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