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Albedo woke up feeling amazing. Her neck pain was lessening, she felt like she had energy again and her body wasn't shivering.

She had moved to get out of bed when she felt an arm around her.

"Tennyson?" Albedo said looking down at the arm currently wrapped around her waist. A bare chest pressed against her back. She had

She had rolled over to see the sleeping form of the human male.

One bloodshot eye opened and looked at her as it turned red. A line of code she could vaguely read as "searching..."

A beep and the tension in the human's body seem to just go back to sleep. "Hope." He muttered.

Above them Albedo saw KITT above them on the ceiling seeming to be using his abilities to trick the sensors in Ben's eyes.

The Omnitrix symbol formed on the ceiling and KITT pointed at it.

Albedo activated hers and changed.

With her blood flooded with adrenaline she had made her way to the door which KITT had made a small opening for her to slip through

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With her blood flooded with adrenaline she had made her way to the door which KITT had made a small opening for her to slip through.

Albedo looked to see the other Tennyson sleeping on the other bed curled up with drool dripping out of her mouth.

Albedo could feel something in her stomach telling her to run for some reason.

KITT beeped and the Omnitrix seem to answer in the Mechamorph native tongue.

"Gwen's gonna wake up in an hour." KITT said.

Albedo slowly made her way to the front of the Rustbucket and sat in the passenger seat. A wall formed behind her so she could talk without waking the humans.

"What just happened?" Albedo said.

"You woke up spooning with Ben and nearly work up both of them after fighting a whole den of Xenocite infected Vulpimancers." KITT said "Your welcome by the way."

"Why did you do that?" She asked.

"Because Ben would react finding you when he was sleeping so I changed his optic scanner to say Charmcaster." The Drone said "Ben had no idea you were there when he got in bed."

"Wait he has said I am not a threat?" Albedo said.

"Super genius who knows how the Ultimatrix works or Nearly Goddess level witch who doesn't know how to use a cellphone? Which one is more a threat to him if he's asleep?"

"Uh the second sounds much more threatening." Albedo said "Wait super genius?"

"Yeah that's what Ben thinks at least." KITT said.

Albedo felt her face heat up. "Uh who is Charmcaster?"

KITT pulled up a display.

KITT pulled up a display

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