Week Off part 1

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Galvan-B 2 weeks later

CLE-0 had been feeling weird recently.

It was when she was standing near a Food Disperse she had grabbed one she realized she should run a Diagnostic.

Her face circle spun as people passed her without a bother she was standing on in the middle of the sidewalk. 'Diagnostic was better then Problematic.'

She had seen the notification her body was pregnant. "Oh my." She said. She needed to get to a certified Technician to inspect her offspring.

The doctor handed her the end of a tool and she morphed her hand into it.

"Everything is fully operational." The Galvan said "What exactly was the purpose of your visit?"

"Well I had for some reason wanted to eat a Nutrient Bar and thought to run a Diagnostic." CLE-0 said.

"Ok and may I ask the name of the father?" They asked.

"That is what confuses me the only person I've been with was Ben Tennyson." She said.

"Excuse me?!" The Galvan said.

"Yes it was a wonderful night." She said "And he was the only person to."

"Uh hold on." They said walking out.

It was not 5 minutes the sound of the Second Thinker was banging on the door with the First Thinkers following him.

"Second Thinker Grey. First Thinker Azmuth." CLE-0 bowed.

"Ma'am you are potentially carrying the brother of the Second Thinker." Older Azmuth said.

CLE-0's face ring widened "Your Ben's child?" Looking at Grey.

"I'm Ben's Son. I've never been a child ma'am." Grey said.

"Ma'am I must ask. What form did Ben have during insemination?" Older Azmuth asked as the Technician had brought in Bioworkers.

"Uh human? Oh right he could change form with that weird Sonorosian." She said "No he didn't turn into anything except an animal on that massage table."

"Ma'am Ben's body produces Nanoscopic machines in his bone marrow." Grey said.

"But they were only in his blood?" She tilted her head "And they were quite inactive from what I heard from that device on his arm."

"Ma'am they are made to mimic a organics cells like a Stem Cell." Grey said.

"Why does Ben have those in the first place?!" Younger Azmuth asked.

"They mainly prevent atrophy in space and help with repairs of any of his internal components." Grey said covering where Ben got em.

"Ben's nanites were able to target the Reproduction of the Nanomachines and with Ben's body having access to Omni-Energy they had enough power to Kickstart the process." Older Azmuth.

"I'm sorry your carrying a cyborg in there." Grey said "Look I know childbirth is a heavy process and-."

Grey stopped when CLE-0 tilted her head again. "Heavy? A baby Mechamorphs weighs 60 Galactic Stand Units." [translation: a 30lbs egg.]

"Grey, Mechamorph childbirth....it is more effort on the fathers side to produce the Nanomachines then for the mother to manufacture the offspring." Older Azmuth said "However your child is a first for Galvan Prime and B. We brought the correct equipment to check it's biological processes."

The fact the baby was only starting to show signs of malnutrition was corrected by the DNA in Ben's swimmers using the Nanites to make her make a rudimentary Human digestion system.

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