Helping Out

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"Be too dumb to quit and too stubborn to back off."~Steven Pressfield

Medical wing

Ben had fallen asleep in the waiting room.

He was having that weird dream again.

He's surrounded by this...fog(?) Or mist(?) He couldn't tell. He could see through it but it was like stained glass.

He saw...something far away but somehow right just past his fingertips.

He swam/flew through it but no matter how hard his body pushed he got only a little closer and everytime he had this dream he was farther away then last time.

"Tennyson." A voice echoed.

Ben saw a fairy staring at him and he said "Dr Vector?"

"Interesting dream. Do you often have this one?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm trying go that way." Ben said pointing toward the thing he couldn't ever remember what it looked like. "I wanna get to that thing but I never do."

"How about I help." She said taking his hand.

He was moving towards it at a very noticeable pace.

When the had gotten close, closer then he ever did a jolt knocked him out of his dream.

"Oof." Dr Vector was embedded in the wall as if she was just thrown.

"Dr Vector!" Ben said walking over.

"Don't help me! I'm not a galvan. I don't like being carried." She said pulling herself up and dusting herself off "That was one weird dream."

"You saw it?!" Ben said excited "What was the thing? I never remember what it looks like but if you saw it."

"I...I don't remember." She said "That's never happened before. I always remember a dream I enter. Nevermind let's get you to The Chair."

Ben sat in a lounge chair and his whole body was scanned. A hologram of his skin floated up then faded to his muscles then his skeleton and finally his nerves.

"Woah." Ben said.

"Yeah that was my reaction when I walked in here and saw they had a factory new one." Dr Vector said.

Ben's hand reached for it but stopped before he got to it.

"Go ahead." Dr Vector said "I tried to touch it first time I saw one."

Ben's hand phased through it.

"Yeah you spend your childhood thinking about holograms you can touch and teleporters but it turns out they're basically as advanced in those fields as modern Terran cellphones." Dr Vector said "Now wanna see what your own brain looks like?"

"Hell yeah!" Ben said.

A few clicks the hologram showed Ben's brain and separated into lobes and highlighted all the connections.

Ben saw it flash as he was getting more interested and he was testing it by pinching his arm and

"Huh." Dr Vector said "They aren't connected to what they should be. Your HUD is wired directly to your visual cortex and the temporal lobe is linked to the auditory receiver and the Scanner in your optic nerve but they aren't wired to your motor cortex."

Ben looked at them and started thinking about what that was and a inner part of his brain started glowing on the hologram.

"Huh." Dr Vector said "Pull up your HUD."

"It is up." Ben said.

"Could you show me?" She asks.

"Uh...hold on." Ben pulled out his phone and blinked suddenly the screen was mirroring his HUD. He handed it to her and she saw his perspective

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