Ultimate Omniverse Pilot

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Test Chapter of a Sequel story/continuation.

Ben and Shar are mid chase on someone shipping parts of something "dangerous" and end up universe jumping.

Streets of Bellwood

Flying down the road was a unmarked van being tailed by a black and green proto truck.

Behind the wheel was Plumber officer Rook Shar. "You are in possession of dangerous contraband and endangering civilian lives with your reckless driving. Pull over!" She says from a speaker.

"Fuck you!" A alien shouts from the passenger seat of the fleeing vehicle.

"You wish you could!" Shar shouts back.

"Road work ahead in 2 blocks," The voice of Trixie said "We really should finish this up."

"Floor it?" Ben asked.

"I got the Truck." Trixie said.

The truck flashed with green light then the black and green went to gray with blue lights.

A cannon manifested on the top of the proto truck and fired a glowing yellow ball at the van.

Coating it in a yellow circuit pattern the van began to break.

"Like hell you guys are gonna blow this deal." A flip was switched and a NoZ tank had been kicked on just before Ben could get to the engine.

Something fell out the back of the van and latched onto the Proto Truck as it ran over it.

The van had took a hard right just as the Mechamorph reached the break controls and caused it to spin out of control.

"You two should probably buckle up." Ben chuckled through the speakers as he had drifted managing to stop it before crashing into a brickwall.

The wall flickered before them was now a...Mr Smoothies?

"Ben I think that was a EMP Mine!" Shar shouted

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"Ben I think that was a EMP Mine!" Shar shouted.

"Ben I can't stop this thing!" Trixie shouted just as it ended up right into the Van sending both through the store front, blasting past the counter and into the backroom.

As Upgrade slowly got off the van he stumbled onto a machine, not realizing he was upgrading something other then the expected smoothie machines.

A flash and a shout of "Don't touch-" and the group was knocked unconscious by the blast.


"What was that device?" Shar demanded looking at the 4 armed man

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"What was that device?" Shar demanded looking at the 4 armed man.

"That was my Warp Field Generator." He said "Oh my apologies, Blarney T. Hokestar." Handing Shar a business card.

"Why does a Mr Smoothies need such a thing?" Shar asked.

"It's the first inter dimensional Mr Smoothies." Hokestar said "Imagine all the starships far from home wanting a refreshing drink all with a simple flick of a card you can instantly have access to every combination of ingredients avaliable."

"Ben is gonna love this place when he wakes up." Trixie says "Ultimate Upgrade is kinda having trouble digesting the Warp Field Generator."

"Hey that is my legal property and I have all permits necessary to own such an item." Hokestar said.

"It's in the life code for Mechamorphs to copy anything that isn't in their database they can." Trixie said "Once he finishes it should run at...23,000% efficiency?! Ultra am I having a stroke?"

"Oh really? Then by all means let the man continue." Hokestar Said.

Ben's unconscious body was moved to the Proto Truck's back seat and the criminals were loaded into the back.

Shar tapped her badge "This is Officer Rook Shar reporting in the apprehension of 2 suspects."

"This is plumber dispatch, Ma'am your badge is not in our records." The voice said "Ma'am if you are in possession of a badge not yours please inform us who you took it from?"

"We aren't in your universe anymore." Hokestar said.

"If I'm not in the system check for Alpha Rank Officer Benjamin Kirby Tennyson." Shar said "He's Currently unconscious in the backseat of my Proto Truck."

"Ma'am would you please remain where you are? Officer's are on route."

Rook Blonko

"Officer Blonko please respond."

Rook looked over at Ben's Omnitrix "This is Officer Rook."

"We have a location on your stolen badge. Have you misplaced it and failed to inform headquarters?"

Rook and Ben looked at each other, Rook pulled out his badge and said "I am in possession of my badge."

"We just received a call from a badge with the exact same encryption number claiming to have an unconscious Ben Tennyson."

"But Ben is sitting right next to me?" Rook said.

"ALBEDO!" Ben shouted "Where is he?!"

"Sending location now."

"Step on it Rook." Ben said.

"Yes that is how a vehicle functions." Rook said.

"You know what I meant."

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