Week Off Part 6

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Second half of day 3

On the way to Khoros Prime


Gwen, Max and Albedo were shocked when Ben showed up the Omnigax transformation.

"Ben you jerk what of we had thought you were Vilgax?" Gwen asked.

"That gem on the arm is a copy of the Shield of Seagle."

"WHAT?!" Albedo and Max shouted.

"Yeah in my universe Vilgax had got it along with the Ruby Ray of Rouleau, an element absorbing sword and laser eyes." Ben said.

"How/Why did/Would you turn into him/That?!" Gwen and Omni shouted in unison.

"Trixie has a scan of Vilgax's User Profile when she jumped off when the old rig self destructed." Ben said then lowered his shirt "The Data Cluster puts my Neural Print over the transformation so I get everything Vilgax had from my world had. His training, his skills, his tactics. All with a green coat of paint and the Plumber Inniative on it."

Max had been the only one laughing "Your planning on using him against this universe Vilgax."

"Absolutely!" Trixie said "Also we got donuts!"

They walked in and Gwen looked at the box. "Haven't seen these before."

"You've had me go XLR8 at least twice during the first go round." Ben said "Strawberry Cake donut."

Gwen licked her lips these were fresh. Like 5 minutes out the bakery fresh.

Albeta had picked one and Ben sent a message over the link.

'Apologize." Ben said 'We're back together but you threatened cruel and unusual punishment Trixie. She isn't the one that made the Ultimatrix and she is a friend."

'Fine." Trixie said before popping up "Look Albeta, I'm sorry I threatened- uh tried to turn you into a 10 year old girl."

"You have my forgiveness just please never do that again." Albeta said eating a donut "I like my body like this."

"Thank you." Ben said.

'Still think her butts too big." Trixie said.

'And I say not big enough." Ben said 'But it looks good on her."

'Is my butt too small?!" Trixie asked 'I know my tits grew when I got the update with you last night but have I been focusing on the-"

Ben just sent a straight up memory of something he didn't show before and Trixie had laughed.

'Don't be concerned with image. Distractions during a fight." Ben sent 'Solid C+ in that department."

'So Helen?" Trixie said.

'Yeah that Christmas party..." Ben said "The punch got spiked..."

"Now since I've done what I wanted to do this morning anything of interest happen?" Ben asked.

"Luhley called about a tournament you're invited to." Max said "Actually two tournaments on Khoros. One the Maiden Tournament of Solara Night Gale and a Free-for-All for one Loona Red Wind."

"What are the prizes?" Ben asked.

'Maiden Tournament is a fight for the Princess. If your high enough status Tetramand culture will bring the strongest together to fight for the hand of the princess. Invite only. And your normally supposed to win it in a pre tournament." Trixie said "Free-for-All's are usually gender neutral and the winning woman could pick a man from her family as the father. The Red Winds are probably getting desperate. You got to sit out the pre tournament for Solara."

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