Regular day (1)

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Walking in and out of the club is one part of the road that I always took. "Detour" club is one that I always been. This club has a lot more story to tell than my own life, as my life is so boring and plain, plain as the road that I walk in.

Tonight as I enter this place the first thing that welcome me is the music that make people think that they are invisible and unstoppable.

As I enter the club making my way in the secret room of this place trying to be discreet as always. Wearing a over size black hoodie and a cap to cover my face and a sport short that is hidden in my over size hoodie. I make my way in the hidden room, a room where the only people allowed are the people who wants danger and spicy going on their life.

Getting in I make my way to the person who always greeted me, Allan. Allan is the one that is always in chrage in everything that I do in here.

When I say everything I do what I meant about it, is underground fighting. Underground fighting is not the only dangerous thing that I do I also do motorcycle race, but not the kind of race where people watch in TV or in legal ways. The kind of race where there's no such thing as rules as long as you get in the finish line first. The other thing is car race this race is the same as motorcycle race the only different is of course as I mentioned the first on I use motorcycle.

Well don't judge me as I say my life is kinda boring so I needed something to spice my life with.

And I really don't know but I love doing this things. It make me fell things, things that I myself can't comprehend. But maybe the truth is I just want to fell something so that I can say to myself that im not numb and im still human, not a experimented cyborg or laboratory rat. But anyways that's part of my life my very boring life.

Anyways im a bit far from my topic. Let's go back in the track. As Allan greeted me he also tell me the details of my fight, while he was talking, I make my way to go sit in corner. He did brief me about my opponent.

The thing about underground fights is that you can fight anyone you want to as long as the opponent agrees. For tonight fight my opponent is a guy well not just some regular guy. He is a police man, so much for a policeman.

Well it's not new since he handle so dirty works. Maybe his salary is not enough or maybe he is also looking for spice in his life, whom am I to judge?

As Allan speak his name is Melchor body built like a regular policeman six pack abs 5'10 and a strong muscular built. I don't really care though, as I see him fight a lot of times. I have a lot of advantage, except from the fact that I can move faster than him my body is more flexible as I am a woman, add to the fact that I did study about his antics.

As the announcer start to call the first fighter and making his introduction for Melchor I listen and watch.

Ladies and gentleman as for tonight fight I am sure that we will enjoy. For the first fighter in the right corner we have the handsome but not only look that is strong in his asset but his body that is to die for.

I wonder if the announcer is gay. I note to myself to ask him later.

He has 10 fights in this rings, he only has 1 lose, 3 knock outs. Ladies and gentleman, without father a due let as welcome to the right corner the Ghost.

As the announcer says his name people makes their noise. Now as it is my time to be introduce I slowly make my way in my corner.

Ladies and gentleman to the left corner let us make some noise to one of our most awaited and watch fighter. Shadow. The people make noise. As the announcer make introduction for me.

For the first and second round we didn't really have make move as we study both of our tactics. But as the third round goes it goes hotter and aggressive. Melchor or known as Ghost in his fighting name try to lock me in the corner as he hit me square in my face he tries to deliver another blow which he successfully hit me again, but what he didn't know is that Im just waiting for an opening to make him move in corner and take my blow. As he deliver his third blow which is being unsuccessful I make my move. I give him upper cut that make him stumble a little bit backwards I follow it with lefthook and finish it with a round kick. But it does not just end it there because he was able to get up and recover. What do you expect? He's a policeman who goes with underground fighting, ofcourse his pain tolerance is higher not that the oods is just in his side but the bell just ring, signalling to take a break for another round.

While I was sitting Im already preparing my self and studying how can I finish him in this fourth round as if fourth round is last round but I want this to be over so as the bell rings signalling for our fourth round I try to read his first move so I can dodge it as expected he deliver left hook so I catch it with my right arms kick him in stomach as he was bending because of pain I offer him a knee which landed in his chin that causes him to fall backwards.

As I was planning to finish this round I waited while the announcer counts but he still stand. As he stand I didn't wait for him to recover cause it might give him more chance to fight back so I lunch forward and give him my final and strong round kick to finish this round. As the kick reach him hard he spin around and got knock out.

So as for tonight fight I will go home victoriously but with a bleeding lips and eyebrow. It's not that bad though as I am the winner I also got the price which, I must say that this is one of my many reason I do such thing, cause, damn what can I say I can't say no to money that makes my life a little less boring at less it helps to entertain my boring life.

As for the fighting of tonight is done. I clean myself in one of the restroom, as I was cleaning, there was a knock so I go and take a look to know who it is. Their stood one of the bodyguard of highest bidder in underground, l already know him he gives me offer before, which I say no not just once or twice, but, what can I say the man is so persistent. So I finish my thing and follow him. We meet in the club where his boss is seating comfortable in the SVIP room. I already took my sit I didn't wait for them to offer me one. As I took my sit their boss whose known to be Madrift follow my move with his gaze which I found fun. As I take my sit he start to offer me a drink which is non alcoholic drinks as he know that I don't drink such. As I take my drink he start talking about his offer, but, I cut him short and said yes. Surprise is written not only in Madrift face but everyone in the room. As he tries to offer this to me for so many times.

What change? He ask.

We'll maybe I need something more new and something to entertain me again, but if you want me to join you I want to do everything I want, and I don't want to be just one of your puppies. One of his trusted bodyguard's throw me the nastiest look whick I only return with a smirk and shrug of my shoulder.

I don't think it works that way Madrift said. So I return my gaze to him and reply take it or live it? I don't know what does he need me for but I know I'll do some dirty works for him. But for now I don't really care about it or think as I think I can get out if I want to. But boy oh boy why am I so wrong.

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