Club Fight (10)

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The club is a little bit busy tonight as it is Friday.

I did go here a little bit early so I can watch and entertain myself for a few hours.

My fight only starts at 10 pm. And I got here around 8pm.

So here I am sitting on a both alone. I don't really want some company especially in a club.

I just like watching people dancing getting drunk and doing a lot more than that. If you know what I mean.

It is almost time of my fight so I got myself ready and slowly go to back door where the fight happen.

My opponent is already there waiting as I got to the arena Allan is briefing me about my opponent.

As I take a look to him he is not that big his actually a bit smaller that me.

But i guess that will be one of his advantage as he can move fast.

As the announcer finished his introduction for as we start the round one.

I let him make the first move. I don't make any attempt to attack I just dodge his punches and kicks.

I even let him land some blow on my face but not in any crucial area to make so much damage. I only do that to know his strength and how much I can take from him.

Second round came. Some punches and kicks landed with my opponent, but not that much as I don't want to end this night yet it's to early for that.

We made it to the 8 round.

As I was about to kick him, i didn't expect that he catch me off guard by his speed considering that his already so tired and busted, he got me on the floor while he is on top of me.

He lock me up so I can't make a move but I guess he doesn't have much strength left as I easily and quickly got to my feet back.

A I gain my composure I didn't wait for him to take his, as I attack him in back kicking him which causes him to fall on his stomach.

As he did I kick him repeatedly and help him up only to beat the crap out of him. Until his knock out.

For tonight fight well I got a little cut on my lips that's all nothing much and nothing more. But the cut on my lips is visible though. Which is I don't mind at all.

I go to the wash room and wash my face and change to a hoodie.

You know you don't have to wait to 8 round to knock him out right? Allan ask me

Well that will be boring and not to mention it will make my time a little bit longer.

So what are you doing after this?he ask.

Nothing much maybe be back in the booth and watch for a few hours and go home. How about you?

Nothing much too, so can I join you? I promise not to disturbed you as I will hunt so interesting happening for tonight.

Hahahaha. I laugh sure let's go.

We head to back to the club.

As the night gets deeper the club is getting busier and pack.

We go to my booth.

I just sit there watching nothing in particular as well as Allan.

Well I guess I have to hunt some lone wolf tor tonight, he said.

Okay then good luck on your hunt

As I just watch again for almost another 30min.

I saw a group of this men got in the club. I don't really care who gets in or out but they catch my attention as they are seems not just a regular group hanging around.

And will I will they are so good looking I gave them that.

Well built good looking guys. There are five of them.

Most I just watch them for almost 15minutes and they got separated. But there is this one guy that only stay on the bartender to drink.

Lots of women are going for him., but I feel sorry for them as he seems to don't give a damn to them.

But as a new woman approach, I think she catches his attention, not that she only catches his but she also got mine.

There talking in the bartender in none other than my blue eyed Goddess.

I just wacth from my booth she is ordering something and the man is looking at her.

I don't think his just looking though, I think his checking her out.

I didn't notice when did she get in here but if I did im sure I don't really care about everything as I don't intend to take my eyes off her.

Aftet a few moment the man approaches her.

They talk for a moment but I can tell she's so uncomfortable. But I still am sitting waiting for her boyfriend to come up wherever the hell he is.

As if on cue her boyfriend arrived.

They seems to have a heated argument.

I just watch but of course ready myself too in case he will touch my future queen.

And it happened, the guy punches my queen's boyfriend so I slowly stand up put my hoodie on and walk to their direction.

But I didn't interrupt just yet though he still didn't touch my queen but Im preparing myself.

Her boyfriend got up and was about to fight back but being held by the guys other friend. And he started to give him another punch and he was about to do so again but my queen got on the way so I step in pull her gently in my side and kick the guy which cause him to stumble a bit.

What the fuck he spat angrily. The crowd already started to gather and surprisingly no one is stopping the fight yet.

I guess we should stop this before someone got hurt, I said

But the guy and his friends laugh and said if we don't want to get hurt we shouldn't started this. And he laugh again.

My queen is already helping her boyfriend and watching as.

The guy that punches first is the guy that I kick well I guess this is 5 versus 1 then.

They all attack me which not at all successful. I dodge it but not all though as they manage to hit me a few times, but I also got them.

There is only one guy left standing four are already knock out as I face him to finish this someone tap him and he turn around and he receive a punch and a kick which causes him to knock out too.

The one that did this is Allan. So I thank him.

Thanks a lot bro. But you know I got this..

Yeah, whatever I know you do but come on you just can't have all the fun tonight. I wish I get here earlier though, he said.

Where have you been anyway??

Making out with a lone wolf.

And we both laugh.

The crowd is staring to go back to the own business so that's what I did too.

Or so I though....

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