Encounter (6)

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Alia POV
I been very busy this week in school and I need to study for my exam. I didn't even go out with my friends or even visit the nearby park that we always hangout with.

     For today Im going to do some demonstration for operating a patient that have been shoot. Well I'm not really worried about it cause I been studying a lot and I did a lot of demonstration already.

     After my demonstration that went successful I meet with my friends in our cafeteria there everyone is already waiting. Fria, sitting beside Gem. Fria and gem are lovers. They sit besides each other and in front of them is no other than my very handsome and gentleman boyfriend.

    Fria is my best friend. We meet while I was 1st year high school and we were classmate since then were inseparable. We decided to go to the same school in college, it's not really a problem cause not to brag but we are both smart so it's easy for us to go to any school that we choose.

     So here we are still together and working hard to graduate together.

     Gem is her boyfriend they get together after 1 month Tim and I been official.

    Tim is nothing but sweet and kind. His also so smart we're both doctors. We have some classes together.

     As I get to the table I take my sit beside my boyfriend and greeted them. We ate together and talk a little bit. And we also decided that we're going to hangout after of all our classes. We all go in our separate ways.

     I don't have really much to do since I already done most of my assignment and task and I don't have classes anymore. So I decided to go to library I'm not really the kind of person who always party.

     As I go to library I get some book until it was already 5 pm so I decided to go back in my dorm.

     I actually stay in dorm and my roommate is no other than my best friend of course Fria. Im not actually from this country that's why I decided to take dorm except from the fact that it's inside my school I also feel happy to be here.

     It not so boring though as my school is so big it owns a big property so it's like a whole town.

     But of course my favorite is the park nearby. When I get to our dorm Fria is not there yet so I decided to take a shower first and make a call to my mom.

     Hi, mom how are you? I miss you and I miss dad too.

     Ohh, we miss you too sweetie my mom said in other line. So how was school? And how's Fria? Do you guys enjoy there?

    Yes mom school is great same goes with Fria.. ..

    Me and my mom talk a lot and a little bit more, we been keeping each other updated with our life I barely talk to my father, not that we have a bad relationship but his just busy, and me and my siblings love him. Every time he have a time he never fails to call me and make me feel that Im so lucky with my family. They are all supportive including all my siblings. Even though all of them are already busy with their life.

     As time passes Fria has arrived and we prepare for our double date. We take our time preparing ourselves until we heard a knock in our door.

     Fria did open it.
     Lia the boys are here hurry up, she shout.

     So I did hurry up and go to meet them. We only bring one car it was Gem's. As we drive to our Destination we sing along with the songs that plays in the car radio and we visit a lot of place in the city until we all feel hungry and we see this small dinner and it look cute. So we all decided to stop and eat there. As we all go out of the car and get into the dinner we're still having conversation and joking around. As we get into the dinner we all go to the counter so we can choose our order.

     As we were walking on our way to the cashier area Fria tap my shoulder so I turn around she point to the cute little kid that she's sticking her tongue with and I also laugh, as I turn around I bump into someone and I spill all the coffee on them.

     Im so sorry I said and I keep repeating them cause I heard them taking a deep breath and I was so afraid to take a look because I thought they will be so mad, so I keep repeating saying sorry and I just notice that the coffee is hot too, but except from having heard them take a deep breath I didn't hear anything else.

     It's supposed to burn their skin and so I decided to look up as well as she did. I think I forgot to breath for a moment but I gain my thoughts again and keep saying sorry.

     And I ask her if she's okay.

     But she didn't move nor blink she just look at me with mouth open so I have to snap my fingers in front of her to gain her attention but nothing, until I heard Fria say close your mouth buddy and there she move her head in Fria's direction.

     And they all laugh I don't even know why are they laughing but i giggled cause i found her reaction so cute. She's so confused and after I giggle she turn her head again to me and she look me in the eye for a second until she bend down and get her phone and of course her now empty cup and bolt out in dinner like a thunder.

     I suddenly feel confused so I just follow her with my gaze. I feel really bad about her I should have just buy her coffee again if she didn't leave that fast and I left a stain in her white shirt.

      But she's gone and I don't know why but deep inside I can feel to myself that I want to see her again maybe it was just guilt because of what happened.

     So after that incident we just got our order eat our diner and head back in our dorm. But I still keep seing somewhere in deep part of my brain those two sad eye staring deeply into my green ones.

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