The walk (13)

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     As I walk her back in her room we talk a little bit more.

    But I still didn't gave her my name. Which she's trying to make me spill.

    So I just make her a deal that if we did meet each other again accidentally I'm going to gave her may name.

   Which she just agree already because she said, she doesn't have much of a choice as there are a lot of criminals, and she just cant search for it.

    So this is me. Thank you for walking me back. Stranger...

    Your welcome. But did you realize that you just gave me the idea of where I could make my perfect crime.

    Alia laugh and say, in all seriousness your the last person I believe to do a crime.

    With this word something on me shifted and it made me think a lot of questions. But I still did smile and say you expect to much of goodness in me even im just a stranger I might disappoint you.

    I don't think so. Alia said well I hope you get home safe. Goodnight and thank you again.

   Goodnight. With that I headed home.

   After that encounter with Alia I think my feelings for her just growing more and more.

   So as days past by I can't stop thinking of her. But then I keep reminding myself that she is in perfect relationship with her boyfriend, but then again I guess destiny has it's own plan for me and her as this few days we always keep bumping into each other accidentally and she already know my name as I promise her that if we still bump each other again accidentally I will tell her my name so I did.

   Months pass by and we're both getting closer to each other I sometimes go and meet her circle of friends and hangout with them.

   Or there are times that we just head out just the two of us eat, watch movie, or even walk in the park.

    As she put it in her word she find me fun and easy to be with. Absolutely different from what I said to her that I'm boring and no fun at all.

    But what she doesn't know that the longer and the more time we spend together I fall for her deeper and I'm already having a hard time controlling myself keeping my emotions and not to mess things up with her.

    Like this one time when there are just the two of us watching movie. I didn't watched like all the time and I'm just staring at her and then she well catch me most and the time.

    And there are lot more other circumstances.

     So tonight we hangout together with her friends.

    We are here in one of the bars as it is Friday. So she and her friends decided to go out and have fun and she said she want me to come so we're here having fun as what they said.

    But the truth is I don't really like clubs as I always go to club Detour to fight. That is just the most things  I do if I go on club Detour.

    So now as we are here. I just watch them dancing, Alia and Tim are partner and same goes with Gem and Fria so I just sit here watching her.

   After a few moments I see Tim is heading back in my way I just watch Alia still dancing.

   Tim is a little bit tipsy already, as he drunk a lot well actually not just him but I think all of them. But I don't mind at all as I will be the one driving them home, as I don't drink.

    Hey Tim said. Why don't you just drinks or dance your being boring

   Well im trying to be sober as you all guys are drunk and I need to drive you all back home. I said.

Trying to find my wayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora