Finding yourself

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I calmed down soon after, realizing I don't have a choice whether or not to stay here. Maybe I am her, maybe I just lost all my memories, maybe just maybe...

I decided to keep scrolling through my phone, I'm glad I did, it brought back a flood of memories. I'm 24, just signed a internship contract 2 days before the car accident. I have a friend Elia, She's the type of friend that would tell you anything about you without sugarcoating it. Forget the fact that I got heartbroken by her words a few times. I was relieved, and finally, after a day, my brain doesn't feel blank anymore.

The same nurse went in again, of course without knocking. telling me that I'm free to go. I signed a few documents and packed my stuff. And eventually left the building that I would never want to step foot in again. I want to discover more, about who I am. I have this feeling like I wasn't supposed to be here, and it wasn't my body in the first place. I guess It's just me overthinking again. It's quite overwhelming, can't process all those new memories. But I have to be prepared, for the day after tomorrow. The first shooting day of the new movie. I have mixed feelings about it, even though I rememberedal the work details but still, I'm not sure if I could do my best, Especially in this condition.

I arrived at my 'home' after an hour, it was on the fifth floor, I opened my door with the keys in the purse my mother gave me. The apartment was quite large, but the decoration style wasn't my cup of tea. There are a few pictures embedded on the wall, I get to know more about my family by looking at these pictures of them. It seems like I'm the only child cherished by everyone in the family, but there were seldom any pictures of me when I grew up. Never mind, there's no spare time for me to figure these things out, I have to meet people, and get myself together formy first job. Hopefully, I can unlock more memories by talking to Elia, she's coming over an hour later, thanks to my mother.

'I SAID I'M FINE, MOTHER!' I screamed at the top of my lungs, on the call with my mother in the car an hour ago. I can feel the driver flinching, but I don't care anymore. 'no one can understand me, understand my situation now.' I ended the call without hesitation. Elia was called to come over because of that, my breakdown in the car. My mother told her I was mentally unstable and needed some sort of therapist session. Total nonsense. She called her over without my consent, just to comfort me, and help me turn  'normal' again. Pathetic, my mother is planning everything for me, I'm a grown-up, not a child needing protection anymore. Pity.

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