Big Day

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'Shit. It's seven forty-five!' I'm 45 minutes late from the time I planned to wake up. I totally didn't forget I smashed my alarm on the floor yesterday, thanks to that I'll probably go there without any makeup on. I opened my closet, dig through the pile of clothes, and of course, bumped my head while standing up. I slammed the closet door and rushed to the toilet, smacked on some concealer, and snatched bread up from the fridge. Took my bag and rushed out of my apartment.

'Phew, it's exactly 8:00. I can arrive on time even if I have my morning coffee. Thank god.' I swiped the sweat from my head and ran directly to the subway.

I soon arrived at my destination, fortunately, there was a Starbucks right beside the building. There were still 15 minutes left, I could arrive at the filming location right in time after buying the coffee. I rushed into the coffee shop without noticing the bright neon yellow 'not to step here' sign. Obviously, the next thing I know is me lying on the floor, everyone turned their heads on me, and my face turns bright red like a goddamn tomato. I managed to stand up and pretend like nothing happened and went to order my morning coffee. The line was longer than I expected, when I hear my number I immediately squeezed through the people in front and grabbed my coffee. There were only five minutes, FIVE MINUTES LEFT. I ran with all the strength I had and burst into the building, if nothing went wrong I could possibly arrive- SHIT. I smashed my whole face onto a stranger while attempting to go in the elevator, my coffee was everywhere, on my face and on his clothes. He was way taller than me, but he kinda has a muscular body tho- Never mind, I looked up. He was majestic, the kind of boy in high school that everyone screams about.

'What the fuck.' He finally opened his mouth after moments of awkward silence.

'Never knew men swear casually these days. It's quite unpolite.' I raised my eyebrows and gave him THAT look.

'Ma'am, look whose the problem maker here.' He frowns and rolled his eyes directly in my face.

'Excuse me, I'm already five minutes late, it's my first day so please move away.' I tilted my body and walked into the elevator.

'Who told you I wasn't going to work as well?' He followed me into the elevator and stood beside me.

'Who asks.' I murmured. His disgusting attitude sucks, even though I realized it was my fault at first. But.







I was about to press the 7th-floor button when my hand and his hand touched. I took my hand back with zero hesitation.

'Ew.' I turned my head away and pretended to wash my hands.

He tapped me on the shoulder and pointed towards the big brown coffee stain on his suit. He smiled and told me,

'Very thoughtful behavior ma'am.'

There was just pure silence throughout the whole elevator ride from the ground floor to the seventh floor. Without exaggerating, it was basically the longest elevator ride I've ever experienced.

'It seems you don't know who I am.' He smirked while waving his hand and walking away.

Weird. Never thought of meeting such a naive, stupid, disgusting person on my first day of work. I double-checked my letter again and walked into the gigantic studio. The second I walked in, I heard a loud angry voice coming from a man.

"WHERE IS THE NEW PA? The whole set has already been delayed for two weeks.'

Yikes, I think he's talking about me. I walked slowly and shifted beside him.

'I'm here now, sorry.' I whispered, could not bear to lift my head and meet the eyes of the film director.

'How could yu be late, it's your-' he paused when he saw me.

'It's okay. Go to where you should be immediately now.' he walked away after saying that. Back to his original spot.

He probably saw me in this mess and changed his mind. My frizzy hair, smeared lip gloss, and my shirt were covered with coffee stains. My cheeks burned as I met the accusing glares of my coworkers, I've learned my lesson now, I should definitely go buy a new alarm.

Day dreamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora