Chapter IX "More Regrets and Lashing out"

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(Y/n) POV:

As I'm walking through the forest with Eugene, we eventually find the cave still completely empty but we decided to stick around, I then pull out the voice recorder and started talking into it "(Y/n) (L/n), 2100 hours, so far no movement has been made around the cave and no sign of the target," I said as I turn off the recorder and continued watching the cave. "You sure you made the right choice?" the Wendigo said "Yea... I did, Addams is with another person at the Rave'N and if Eugene came alone...," I paused at the last part as the Wendigo understood and left me alone as I continued watching.

Wednesday POV:

I was sitting alone still thinking of the way (Y/n) was annoyed by the sudden change of plan but after more thought about the subject I started thinking that there was more of a reason for him to be annoyed 'Whatever the reason he's annoyed for, he's excellent at hiding it,' I thought to myself but my mind was pushed even more when I though about what Xavier told me was snapped out by Tyler coming up to me.  "Was it the thin mountain air or the Yeti-tinis that got to you?" He said while standing in front of me "Xavier told me what you did last year," I said trying to get (Y/n) out of my mind "How you and your friends assaulted him and destroyed him mural on Outreach day," I said leaving Tyler frozen at my new found knowledge.

Tyler went to sit down as he started talking to me "I guess that was inevitable," he said while looking at me "Look, I... I wish I could say that it was an accident, or that it wasn't half as bad as it sounds, but I'd be lying and he could have made things a lot worse for me, but he didn't," he said while still staring at me "Why'd you do it?" I asked in a serious tone.  "I mean, I could give you a million excuses, but...," he said pausing for a little before continuing "The truth is I'm still trying to figure that out," he said while slowly looking at me again "I got sent away to this boot camp and realized that's not the version of myself I want to be," "A bitter townie that blames everyone else for the shitty hand he's been dealt," he said finishing his statement "Look, I did a terrible thing, but I swear I'm not a terrible person," he added sounding genuine.  "Did you think I was going to judge you over some lousy prank?" "I would have taken it further," I said making him smile a little "Like putting piranhas in a swimming pool?" he asked causing me to look at him confused "I may have done a little digging on you after we met," he said still smiling "I'd do it again," I said.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you," he said, but I didn't really feel anything even though I haven't felt anything in my entire life, this time... it was different I felt like it should have been said by someone else, someone I knew more, someone who wasn't here, someone... that gives me a feeling that I can't describe.

(Y/n) POV:

After sometime waiting a light was seen coming from a car as I started the voice recorder again "(Y/n) (L/n), 2242 hours, potential suspect has arrived at location," I stayed silent as I tried to sniff out there scent, but they were wearing a robe that threw me off, making me have to try and look at what they were wearing.  "Oh my god," I heard Eugene say as the person pointed a flashlight towards us and I instantly knew we were fucked, they quickly left just as the cave was suddenly set on fire destroying everything that was inside as me and Eugene ran quickly away before things got worse.

As we where running me and Eugene hid behind a tree trying to keep quite "See anything?" I said as me and Eugene were looking around "Nothing," Eugene said as I took a sigh of relief "Let's try not to get our hopes up and get away from this place I said as me and Eugene started walking, making sure that no one was trying sneak us up on us.

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