Chapter 11

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Ryujin woke up in an unfamiliar bed. It was dim but her body clock never fails to wake her up at 8AM so she had to double take and think who the softer bed and the smell of vanilla on her pillow belonged to.

When she sat up, she finally realized where she was and felt her stomach drop. When she turned to her side, she saw the cat-eyed girl sleeping peacefully while hugging a small plushie to her chest.

Her eyes grew wide when she realized that she's not wearing anything. It took everything in her not to trace the end of the blanket that drapes perfectly on her smooth shoulder.

She sighed.

She still couldn't believe last night happened. Her first sexual encounter and it's with the girl she actually likes.

When she asked Yeji out, she had no intention of bringing it further than a normal stroll while eating snacks in Naksan Park. She knew she was setting herself up for heartbreak when she decided to confess the obvious feelings she has for the girl, but she figured she has to get everything out of her chest before she goes insane.

What she didn't expect was the way Yeji comfortably wrapped her arms around her waist on their ride home.

She was sure that the other girl isn't new to motorcycles with the way she was so eased up to hop on the bike, and the way she found the back handle immediately, but she didn't think she'd actually get some physical contact that night. Her attraction grew wilder as Yeji seductively told her to calm down - with a raspy voice that made the hair on her neck stand.

By the time she removed her own helmet, she was pretty much lost in the thought of kissing Yeji. So when she saw an opportunity, she took it.

Everything after the kiss was pretty much drunk Ryujin.

Thinking back, she couldn't help but to facepalm herself because of all the things she said out of desperation. Not that she regretted anything that happened afterwards. She's just scared of what Yeji would say.

Will she regret it and not talk to her anymore?

Should she still be here when she wakes up?

Will she tell Chaeryeong and Professor Park?

Oh gosh.

She was so lost in thoughts that she didn't notice the girl in question was already awake, and was watching her.

"Ahem", Yeji cleared her throat and the voice startled her.

"Good morning", the cat-eyed girl greeted as she got up to pick up her clothes.

Ryujin's mouth formed an O shape as Yeji exposes her bare back, now remembering how her hands and mouth are on those curves the night before. She had to look away before her whole body turned red.

"You might want to get dressed, too. Chaeryeong usually comes over on Saturdays for breakfast."

Yeji looked back and smirked at her before she left the room.

Ryujin hurriedly got dressed and gathered her things.

Unfortunately, Chaeryeong was already sitting on the dining table with Yeji when she came out of the room. She was about to retreat back rapidly when the red head called her name.


She slowly turned around, waved awkwardly and walked towards the door.

"Hey, Chaer."

The other girl looked back and forth from Ryujin, to her best friend, and back to Ryujin with a very confused look on her face.

Yeji just shrugged as Ryujin spoke up to say her goodbye.

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