Chapter 28

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Disclaimer: Time Jumps, Flashbacks

"Ms. Hwang."

Yeji nodded back at her secretary as she rushed her way out of the building. She was supposed to be out front half an hour earlier but she got held up by a persistent department head vying for an approval in the proposal he sent earlier in the day.

Had she not been an important figure in the company, she would've ran towards the exit - already foreseeing her angry best friend waiting by the car upfront.

"Aeri-yaaah. I'm really sorry."

She greeted as she settled on the passenger seat of the black BMW.


"got held up with someone either asking for an approval on something, or someone trying to give you a package that you've refused earlier in the day?" the other girl supplied.

Yeji smiled sheepishly as she sneaked in a hug to appease her.

"You know, you shouldn't have refused that driver and security that your parents offered. You always bug me to pick you up and drive you to place when you're tired. And you're always tired."

Aeri huffed.

"I love you, too." Yeji grinned at her and rested her head on her shoulder as they exited the company premises. "Now take me to your favorite place, I'll treat you to dinner."

The other girl rolled her eyes but smiled, anyway.

Aeri has been her best friend since senior year in college.

When Yeji moved to the US, she didn't know anyone. Her parents bought her a condo near the university and hired a new driver/security to monitor and look after her.

By the time she started senior year, she's already half dead - not knowing anyone nor trying to. She dreaded going home as she didn't have anything to do but stare at her ceiling and cry about the people she left back in Korea.


The girls in the dance class.

Even her semi-annoying neighbor who always asked for her help in receiving her packages.

Her Ryujin.

There wasn't a day when she didn't think about her.

And as if her brain's playing a dirty trick on her, she associated the brunette with everything –

The pathway covered in greens, because her Ryujin loves walking.

The weirdly-shaped clouds in the morning and the stars at night because they used to look at them together.

The wooden floor in her apartment that resembled the dance floor where they used to dance together.

The spoon that was too small in a cafe that she visited because Ryujin hates taking small bites. She has always been a big eater, especially when it's her favorites.

She gave up in trying to make a life and operated like a machine - wake up, go to class, go home.

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