Chapter 32

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Ryujin has been trying to get the short encounter out of her mind. It wasn't even a real encounter, but she couldn't seem to shake off the image of Yeji walking away after Isa kissed her.

It's been a week and they're having dinner with Isa's parents. But she couldn't hear half the things that were being talked about.

Lia stepped on her foot to get her attention back to the table.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" she asked, embarrassed that she didn't get to hear the question.

"We're asking if you're okay, honey." Isa's Mom remarked.

"You've been quiet all night."

Ryujin blushed slightly. "I'm sorry eomeonim. It was a long week so I'm a little tired."

The older woman reached out to hold the brunette's hand. "It's alright. You two should have a good rest after dinner."

The younger girl met her eyes and smiled.

Isa's parents have always been kind towards her. She didn't go through the whole coming out and proving herself when she met them because they're already well aware of Isa's preference and support their daughter very much.

It was the first - and she felt so damn relieved because of it. Her parents, like the natural happy people that they are, also accepted Isa into the family with open arms.

It was paradise compared to the past experience she had.

When dinner ended, Ryujin and Lia went back to the car first - leaving Isa to do proper goodbyes before her parents leave for a business trip the next day.

Lia sneered at her a little when she's sure that Isa wasn't coming yet.

"I thought we're having dinner with your girlfriend and her family. You know, your girlfriend who came home last week after 11 months of working abroad."

The brunette looked at her confused.

"But why are you acting like your mind's still in Gimpo? Pay attention to who's in front of you, at the very least."

Ryujin sighed.

She knew better than to argue with her best friend - they knew each other too well. Seeing Yeji bothered her so much, she couldn't sleep for days after that.

She knows she's being shitty and that Isa has been noticing it, too. And she wished some kind of clarity would come to her and direct her to whatever's the right thing to do.

She spent a few more days thinking about her - hoping that it would wear off and that her brain would eventually get tired of entertaining the same thought over and over again.

On the second week upon Isa's return, Ryujin was determined to make it up to her and invited her for a planned day out - she got them tickets to see an indie movie which she knew the other girl would love. She packed a bunch of her favorite snacks and even booked a reservation to a restaurant for dinner.

Everything went according to plan, even sneaked a few kisses in between scenes. With the cinema being almost bare and all. Isa seemed relaxed and relieved that Ryujin actually made an effort to take her out.

The disaster started, though, when they got to dinner.

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