Chapter 14

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"Are you home yet? Let's grab lunch, I'm starving", Ryujin just boarded off the train in Seoul Station when she dialed Lia.

"Didn't you just arrive? We can just order in."

"Too starved to wait. C'mon Lia-aaah."

Curiosity was evident in Lia's response but she gave in anyway.

The truth was, Ryujin still had some energy left despite practically not sleeping the night before the trip. And she wanted to exhaust everything so she can go straight to bed before classes resume the next day.

She didn't want to leave room for any more thinking after Yeji had seen and deliberately ignored her apology text for pocket dialing her the other day. And because it was the holidays, anyway, she added a little thoughtful greeting at the end - to which she thought she'd at least get a reply to.

We did agree to stay away, so why am I even feeling so worked up about it? She kept on repeating to herself.

"Maybe she really is with Eunseo now - whatever their agreement is. She looked so comfortable sitting beside her that day."

"Who's with who?" She was startled to see professor park also lined up to enter the same restaurant.

She smiled at her sheepishly as Ryujin bowed her head a little as a greeting.

"My old TA's back so you won't be seeing me anymore."

"That's alright, professor. It was a good gig and I saved some money from it. I have a lot of heavy classes this semester anyway."

"Well, that means more time for you to focus on those."

"...and some other things, too. Now that you're not my TA anymore", she winked and walked towards her table.

It took a second for Ryujin to realize what she meant. And the flashback from that old conversation with the professor came to mind.

It would be nice to get another shot. She thought to herself as she settled on the table and waited for her best friend.


She didn't want to admit that the reason why she still hasn't replied to Eunseo's invitation was because of a single message from a certain girl she cannot stop thinking about. But it'd be too big of a lie.

Yeji arrived back in Seoul two days after the business dinner and she has been expecting Eunseo's invite since. But like the phone call, she received a message from Ryujin instead.

I'm sorry for pocket-dialing you the other day. Took me a while to gather the courage and message you.

Happy Holidays, Yeji-ah. I don't know much about your personal life. But I hope this year turns out alright for you.

Another message came after.

I'm not mad or anything. You know how much of a dry texter I am. So here


"What a nerd", she mumbled as she found herself smiling with the last remark.

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